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results in pages
Vol. 121
No. 4
Date/Date Range:
21st Century
Publication Type:
The Lyre
Reference Date:
The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega, Vol. 121, No. 4, Summer 2019
Volume 121 : Issue 4
In 1970 the executive secretaries of 18 National Panhellenic
Council sororities met in Indianapolis. Today, 26 member
groups make up the NPC and are committed to advancing the
sorority experience together.
Summer 2019 Volume 121 : Issue 4
The Sorority Experience Issue
Real. Strong.
Alice D'Antoni Phillips
Gamma Omicron
(Marshall University)
One of our 10 Real.
Strong. Women.
Of Distinction
Day of Giving Timeline
Review the milestones
throughout the 1 day, 8 hours
and 85 minutes of the
Sisters in the Sciences
Using skills learned from their
sorority experience to excel in
the lab and the field
Remembering Ellen
Vanden Brink
A reflection on the life and
legacy of this Past National
The Lyre Il 1
Table of Contents
Sisters in the Sorority Experience
When my younger sister announced her
and the comfort in knowing that sisters will
college decision, my first reaction was to find
be wherever we go in our alumnae years. We,
out if there was an Alpha Chi Omega chapter
along with you and 5 million other women,
at her campus. There was, and before she even
are part of the sorority experience - and that's
started school, I was dreaming of attending
to be celebrated!
her initiation ceremony and pinning a lyre
In this issue, you'll learn how the sorority
badge on my legacy sister. So it came as quite
experience is helping women in STEM (page
a surprise when she accepted a bid from a
37), in the entertainment industry (page 50),
different sorority. But as she began telling me
and in the varied careers and passions of our
about the women she met, the philanthropy
10 Real. Strong. Women. of Distinction (page
she'd be part of and the connection she felt, I
found myself smiling. She found her home.
Thank you for being part of the sorority
Sure, we don't share the same letters, but
experience. And thank you, Alpha Gamma
we share something else pretty special - the
Delta, for giving my sister a home and giving
sorority experience. We have in common
us an even stronger connection.
the belief in NPC's core values of friendship,
leadership, service, knowledge, integrity
Lauren Filippini
and community. We share the strength from
having women support us through college
Alpha Chi (Butler University)
In Every Issue
On Campus
AXQ Connect
3 Contributors
24 Housing
34 Making a Difference
61 Collegiate Notes
4 Letters to the Editor
30 Collegiate Corner
37 Career Outlook
64 Alumnae Notes
5 Corner Office
49 His Side of the Story
68 Reunions
6 Perspectives
50 Accomplished
70 Accolades
7 AXQ News
72 In Memoriam
54 Archives
27 Foundation
56 Volunteer Spotlight
The following staff members
Devin Hall, Assistant Director of
Madeline Plesac (Alpha Beta,
Allison Summers, Assistant
contributed articles to this issue:
Prevention Education
Purdue University), Associate
Director of Education and
Director of Advancement
Leadership Initiatives
Eliza Payne (Delta Chi, William
Woods University), Housing
Operations Coordinator
2 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Alpha Chi Omega
have had these women in her life first as
mentors then over time as close friends
who taught her the value of trans-
Alpha Chi Omega
Anderson served as National President
generational relationships and the gift
National Council Members:
from 1992-96 and recently retired as a
and privilege of being a mentor to others.
Angela Costley Harris
financial administrator of an engineering
Page 57
company. Currently she is a member of
Jari Askins
a dragon boat race team, a community
Vice President
volunteer and a member of Delta Pi
Mikelle Holt Brady
Lewis is a first-year PhD student and
Vice President
Delta (South Gulf Coast, Florida). At the
1978 National Convnetion, Anderson
National Science Foundation Fellow
Jennifer Daurora
Vice President
met Ellen Vanden Brink and thought,
at UCLA studying astronomy and
Lynne Biggio Herndon
"WOW!" Page 57
astrophysics, focusing her research
Vice President
primarily on planetary systems. She
Jill Sabatino Lacy
enjoys bringing together her loves of
Vice President
science, crafting and writing, and is a
member of Gamma Theta Gamma (Los
Editorial Staff:
A junior studying political science,
Angeles, California). Page 37
Lauren Filippini
Carsrud is the current president of
the Epsilon Nu chapter. In April, she
Amy Colvin Mustafa
Senior Director of Education and Engagement
traveled to our nation's capital to share
the importance of the sorority experience
as part of the Fraternal Government
Murray is the current president of the
The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega
Relations Coalition. Page 30
Florida State University Panhellenic
is published quarterly.
Council and a past Beta Eta chapter
POSTMASTER: Send address changes
president. In April, she was part of
to The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega,
the Fraternal Government Relations
5939 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive,
Coalition Capitol Hill Visits, where she
Indianapolis, IN 46250-4343.
A former chapter consultant and
headquarters staff member, Carlin works
lobbied for bills about free association
Submission Deadlines:
in nonprofit fundraising, development
and anti-hazing. Page 30
Fall issue July 1
and communications in the San
Winter issue - October 1
Francisco Bay Area. She considers herself
Spring issue January 1
Summer issue April 1
quite fortunate to have many Alpha Chi
Nichols has been at the University of
Omega mentors and friends in her life,
Maryland since 2004. Prior to that he
Contact Information:
including her two co-authors of this
was an architect in the private sector,
Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity, Inc.
issue's memorial for Ellen Vanden Brink
specializing in university housing and
5939 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive
and Ellen herself, our very own modern-
campus planning. He attended Georgia
Indianapolis, IN 46250-4343
day Hera. Page 57
Tech and later at Mercer University
Phone: 317-579-5050
became a proud member of Alpha Tau
Omega. As the associate director for
facilities and operations, he manages the
Our Mission:
21 university-owned chapter houses on
Alpha Chi Omega is a national women's
Klinge served as a national vice president
campus. Page 49
organization that enriches the lives of
members through lifetime opportunities for
from 1996-2004 and is now a director for
the NHC. She and her husband Jim live
friendship, leadership, learning and service.
in San Diego and work in residential real
estate. Klinge had her first meaningful
A former chapter consultant, Schuneman
conversation with Ellen Vanden
is the assistant director of fraternity
Brink and Nancy Leonard when she
and sorority life at Central Michigan
interviewed to be a chapter consultant
University. She shares about the power of
in 1985. She considers herself lucky to
Panhellenic sisterhood. Page 6
The Lyre Il
Editor's Desk
Lyre Spotting
#proudadvisor moment! Seeing Alpha Chi
Omega @ Florida State University collegian Mallory
Hartline in the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority Lyre
magazine for her efforts with the Scarlet Ribbon
Leadership Council!
From Britain Riley (Beta Eta, Florida State
University) via Facebook
If you are receiving this
magazine for the first time
Welcome to the
Life Loyal Roll!
The Lyre traveled to the Temple of Horus in Edfu,
Egypt with Cindy Yoesting (Gamma Epsilon,
Earlier this year, we created the Life Loyal Roll to
Oklahoma State University).
recognize those members who have given $299 or
more in cumulative gifts to the Alpha Chi Omega
Kristina Dahlene
Foundation. As part of the Foundation's donor
(Gamma Chi, Stetson
communications program, members who reach the
University) climbed
Life Loyal Roll receive The Lyre, along with news
the 789 stairs of One
about the educational aspects of our signature Real.
Boston Place during
Strong. Women. Experience and our sisters' efforts
the American Lung
to fight domestic violence and sexual assault.
Association's Fight for
Additionally, those members who had invested
Air Climb in March.
in the present and future of our sisterhood through
the Life Loyal program will continue to receive
The Lyre. Their initial investment in a Life Loyal
membership is now reflected in their lifetime
recognition amount at the Foundation, and they
have automatically reached the Life Loyal Roll.
Additionally, all collegians receive The Lyre during
their undergraduate membership.
We're thrilled to offer The Lyre and its wonderful
member stories to more of our sisters. Let us
know if you're enjoying the magazine by sending a
letter to the editor. And if you have any questions
Editor's Note
regarding the Life Loyal Roll, contact Madeline
Plesac, associate director of advancement, at
In the list of Foundation scholarship recipients in the
winter 2018 issue, the chapter of affiliation for Erin
O'Neill was incorrect. She is a member of Epsilon Tau
chapter. The Lyre regrets the error.
4 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Corner Office
The Sorority Experience:
Resume and Responsibility
By Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), National President
My strong
of my chapter budget, the toughest
we decide to engage with other sisters.
issues I had managed as chapter
I encourage each of us to see our vast
spirit and a true
president, my favorite aspects of the
network of NPC sisters the same way.
understanding of
role and what parts of the position
As my hiring story demonstrates, our
the value of the
I had looked forward to handing
sorority network is larger than 275,000
sorority experience
over to my successor. She asked me
initiated Alpha Chi Omegas. When we
began when I was
several questions about my working
include our NPC sisters, our women-
hired for my first
relationship with our chapter advisors
supporting-women network is 5 million
professional job because I was a sorority
and relationships with other chapter
women strong!
woman. As I was working my network
Alpha Chi Omega also has a
attempting to find a job in a very tough
A few weeks later she called and
unique responsibility for advancing
hiring market, an alumna of a different
offered me a job, despite my lack
the sorority experience by virtue of
National Panhellenic Conference
of experience. She said that while I
our first position in the alphabetical
sorority and graduate of a different
was not quite qualified on paper, she
listing of NPC sororities. When
university received my resume from a
understood the position of chapter
prospective members or their families
friend of a friend.
president and knew that the skills I
visit a college website, flip through a
When we sat down together for
had built in that role were transferable.
printed campus brochure, or research
a networking lunch, she told me
After I had worked for her for a few
sororities via social media or search
immediately that while I didn't have the
months, she told me that my answers to
engines, Alpha Chi Omega is first
right experience or qualifications for
the questions about working with our
on the list. When the media inquires
any job on her staff, she had agreed to
chapter advisors and other members
into an industry issue by contacting
meet with me because I had included
had indicated to her that I was
national offices, they frequently call our
"chapter president" on my resume.
coachable and eager to learn from and
headquarters staff first.
Over the next hour we talked about
lead others, especially women.
Through our thoughts, words
her sorority experience and how it
As Alpha Chi Omegas, we have the
and actions, the national Alpha Chi
had impacted her career as a woman
opportunity to forge through life with
Omega organization and our individual
leader. We also discussed the size
a built-in network of support whenever
members are often the first impression
of sorority life and what it means to
be a sorority woman. We have the
opportunity and the responsibility
As Alpha Chi Omegas, we have the opportunity to
to demonstrate Panhellenic spirit
by showing prospective members,
forge through life with a built-in network of support
their families, our communities
whenever we decide to engage with other sisters. "
and the media the best that sorority
membership can be.
The Lyre Il 5
Expanding the Definition
Of Sisterhood
By Molly Schuneman (Sigma, University of lowa)
hy sorority? It's a question
I should apply. A few months later, Ann
I am asked almost every
became my assistantship supervisor, and
day as the assistant director
now she is one of my dearest friends and
of fraternity and sorority
life at Central Michigan University. In
My time at Oklahoma State
my role, I "sell" the sorority experience to
University introduced me to the power
prospective members, parents, community
of Panhellenic sisterhood as I directly
partners and upper administration. I tell
advised nine women on the Panhellenic
them that sorority exists to help mold
Council. We made each other belly
young women into the best versions of
laugh, engaged each other in meaningful
themselves and learn how to give back. It
conversations and pushed each other
is through sorority that women challenge
to be better. We created a sisterhood in
each other to be better, learn the power
which we could develop into our most
of vulnerability, learn about themselves as
authentic selves. It meant SO much to me
women and leaders, and have fun. I have
as a budding fraternity and sorority life
come to realize that the network sorority
professional that I could help facilitate
creates beyond college, as well as beyond
living lives with joy and integrity, and the
a healthy, fun and safe place for them
your affiliation, shapes you into the strong
chapter members helped me reconnect
to grow. Little did they know that they
woman you are meant to be.
with my faith. The women involved in that
taught me what authentic sisterhood
My four years as an undergraduate
establishment were the first to introduce to
could be beyond Alpha Chi Omega.
member of the Sigma chapter at the
me the power of sorority on a global scale.
I currently work with Panhellenic
University of Iowa gave me all that it
Sorority wasn't just Sigma chapter for me
women who recognize that there is a
had promised, including leadership
anymore; it was this dynamic connection
need for sorority, now more than ever.
experience and personal growth.
that I had with innumerable women across
The women identify ways they can
However, it has been my experience as
the nation.
support each other, no matter their
an alumna member that has truly shaped
It was this network I had built through
affiliation, and have adopted the slogan
me into the strong woman I want to be.
Alpha Chi Omega that brought me my
"Together We Rise" to guide them
After graduation, I served Alpha Chi
next opportunity. I was volunteering at
through the next year. Real change has
Omega as a chapter consultant. The most
Leadership Academy in 2016 when I met
been created on our campus as they
impactful place I lived was Hattiesburg,
Ann Reightler (Epsilon Tau, Virginia
utilize their Panhellenic network. It
Mississippi, where I served alongside
Tech, now associate director of collegiate
has been an incredible gift to witness
Sami (Holley) Nelson (Gamma Rho,
growth at headquarters), who was working
sorority at its best.
Texas Tech University), opening a new
then as the coordinator of fraternity and
I encourage all Alpha Chi Omegas
chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at The
sorority life at Oklahoma State University.
to expand their definition of sisterhood
University of Southern Mississippi. It
I expressed to her my fears about securing
and engage others in meaningful
was fate that created this opportunity for
an assistantship at the graduate schools
relationships where growth can occur.
little ol' midwestern me to experience life
to which I had applied. She informed me
I wouldn't be the woman I am today
in a very southern culture. Sami and the
that Oklahoma State had an opening for
without my network of Alpha Chi
chapter advisors served as role models for
a Panhellenic graduate assistant and that
Omega and Panhellenic sisters.
6 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXO News
Three new chapters in two years
Alpha Chi Omega will welcome three new
chapters by fall 2020.
Get to know the campuses
First up in fall 2019, we will establish a new
that will be home to our new
chapter at Augusta University in Augusta,
Georgia. We're excited to join the two other
sororities in the campus Panhellenic as we bring
Alpha Chi Omega to the school.
In fall 2020, we'll establish a new chapter
at the University of Mississippi. This will be
our second collegiate chapter in the state, and
we're thrilled to share the Real. Strong. Woman.
Experience with the Oxford, Mississippi
Founded in 1828
community as we meet potential sisters
5,463 undergraduate students
throughout the 2019-20 school year.
43 undergraduate degree
We are also celebrating the news that
Mascot: Augustus the Jaguar
Alpha Chi Omega will be re-establishing our
2 other sororities in the
Gamma Sigma chapter at the University of
campus Panhellenic Council
Rhode Island in fall 2020. Located in Kingston,
Rhode Island, the university will see staff
and volunteers on campus throughout the
2019-20 school year to share more about the
Founded in 1848
The easiest way to share in our excitement is
17,418 undergraduate students
to like or follow the prospective chapters' pages
90 undergraduate degree
on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up
with the establishment process and eventually
Mascot: Landshark Tony
the new founding members. We'll share the
10 other sororities in the
campus Panhellenic Council
accounts for the three chapters soon via the
headquarters social media accounts.
If you know a potential new member
attending Augusta University, the University
of Mississippi or the University of Rhode
Island, tell her about Alpha Chi Omega and
the once-in-a-lifetime experience that is
Founded in 1892
founding membership. We are looking for
14,653 undergraduate students
upperclasswomen and freshmen. Please send
More than 90 undergraduate degree
an email to recommendations@alphachiomega.
org to recommend her to the recruitment team,
Mascot: Rhody the Ram
and be sure to include her name and contact
10 other sororities in the campus
Panhellenic Council
The Lyre Il 7
AXO News
Social Excellence Training 2019
This year's recruitment training
Gabrielle Bachman
SO much. The conference reminded me
event brought vice presidents
Alpha Psi (UCLA)
why I am SO dedicated to my chapter,
Vice President Recruitment
recruitment, vice presidents
and why I work so hard to ensure that
recruitment information and
we bring in the most amazing women
ocial Excellence Training
advisors to Indianapolis for
possible with our new fall class-women
provided invaluable skills and
who are as wonderful as the ones I now
a weekend of learning and
preparation for the recruitment
call my sisters.
networking. The women
teams of chapters across the
After the training, I was able to
learned about values-based
nation, and I feel privileged to have had
come back to UCLA with a new energy
the opportunity to attend. It was truly
recruiting, making genuine
and enthusiasm for my work. I had so
amazing to be surrounded by women
connections with potential
many new connections at my fingertips
who I knew I could call my sisters, no
and the knowledge that there were
members and working
matter how far apart our schools were or
hundreds of women behind me. It was
with the NPC recruitment
how different our chapters seemed to be.
empowering and inspiring to bring all
guidelines. Hear firsthand from
Every woman there was an Alpha Chi
that back to my chapter, and I hope that
a collegiate officer and an
Omega, and the pride that each of us
the skills I gained while in Indianapolis,
advisor about what they took
had for our sorority was an incredibly
from the tiniest detail of decorating to
unifying feeling.
away from the experience.
the note that strong connections are
From the beginning of day one, it was
what bring women back to our houses,
clear that there was a lot to learn, and
will continue to aid me in being a better
Gabrielle (front row, second from left)
I could not have been more excited. It
vice president recruitment, a better
with VPs recruitment and recruitment
seemed like with each presentation and
member of our executive board and a
information from chapters in the central
group activity, I fell more in love with
better member of Alpha Chi Omega.
California province at the event
the position that had already given me
AXO News
Alexa David
Omega (Washington State University)
Chapter Advisor
ocial Excellence Training
provided Omega chapter with
the training and tools to recruit
year-round, focus on recruiting
based upon membership standards and
reaffirm our commitment to recruiting
well-rounded new members that will
continue to contribute to chapter growth
and development! A few favorite sessions
included Building Your Brand, Strategic
Recruiting, and Diversity & Inclusion.
Alexa David
Getting an opportunity to see the
strength of sisterhood and Alpha Chi
Omega on a national scale, in addition
to spending time with other women
with a passion for recruitment, was a
memorable experience for collegians and
Have you
saved the
National Convention
June 26-28, 2020
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
Baltimore, Maryland
More information to come
soon. We can't wait to see
you in Baltimore!
The Lyre Il 9
AXO News
Introducing Our Chapter Consultant Team
Chapter consultants are difference-makers, role models, problem-solvers, project managers and
sisters. They serve our 145 established chapters and help expand the legacy of Alpha Chi Omega by
establishing new chapters. These real, strong women are the in-person support to help effectively
recruit potential members, develop leaders, assess operations and educate officers.
Emily Callison
Molleigh McCann
Eden Sanders
Delta Nu (lowa State University)
Epsilon (University of Southern California)
Kappa Pi (University of North Carolina Wilmington)
Emily Callison completed her first year as a
Molleigh McCann was a traveling consultant
Eden Sanders traveled as a consultant in
resident consultant at the Theta Tau (Rutgers
in her first year with Alpha Chi Omega
2018-19 and is looking forward to a second
University) establishment. In 2018, she
headquarters. She holds a Bachelor of Arts
year. She earned a Bachelor of Science
graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree
degree in communication from 2018, also
degree in public health studies in 2018. Along
in kinesiology and health, with a health
completing minors in sports media studies
with serving her campus Panhellenic as vice
promotion minor. In college she served
and organization leadership & management.
president operations, she gave her leadership
as vice president recruitment and gained
Along with her role as chapter president,
to her chapter in Ritual and fraternity
experience with continuous recruitment,
she has collegiate experience in continuous
appreciation, risk management, and chapter
chapter relations and standards, and
recruitment and new member education.
relations and standards.
Panhellenic relations.
Molly Haeg
Alex Pear
Chloe Sekhran
Alpha Lambda (University of Minnesota)
Alpha Kappa (University of Oregon)
Sigma (University of lowa)
After traveling around the country during
Supporting chapters throughout the country
Chloe Sekhran worked as a traveling
2018-19, Molly Haeg is ready for a second
in her first year, Alex Pear is excited to begin
consultant last year and is ready for year
year as a consultant. During her collegiate
another year as a consultant. Her collegiate
two! During college she served as chapter
years, she served as president of the
executive board experience includes
president and vice president chapter relations
Panhellenic Council, as well as Panhellenic
chapter president and vice president risk
and standards, and she volunteered as a
delegate for Alpha Lambda. She is a 2018
management. She earned two Bachelor of
Leadership Academy collegiate intern. In 2018
graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree
Arts degrees in 2018, one in political science
she graduated with a Bachelor of Business
in kinesiology and a minor in leadership.
and another in planning, public policy and
Administration degree in marketing and a
Bachelor of Arts degree in dance, along with
a certificate in event planning.
10 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXO News
Megan Asbury
Macey O'Brien
Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University)
Alpha Chi (Butler University)
Megan Asbury graduated with a Bachelor of
Macey O'Brien served the Alpha Chi chapter on
Science degree in communication sciences
a variety of committees throughout her collegiate
and disorders: speech language pathology. In
membership, including recruitment, sisterhood,
addition to serving her chapter as president,
and public relations and marketing. She graduated
she also volunteered with Alpha Chi Omega
with a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing.
as a convention page and a Leadership
Academy collegiate intern, as well as worked
Kendall Post
as a fraternity and sorority life student
Delta Psi (University of California, Santa Barbara)
specialist at Missouri State University.
Earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Mattison Cano
environmental studies with an education minor,
Kendall Post also spent a semester in Panama
Epsilon Kappa (California State University,
studying the local ecology and environmental
policy. She served her chapter on the intellectual
Along with her positions as chapter president
development committee and as chapter president.
and vice president recruitment, Mattison
Cano has chapter experience with risk
Jordi Shelton
management and public relations and
Epsilon Tau (Virginia Tech)
marketing. She earned Bachelor of Arts
Jordi Shelton was a class representative on the
degrees in communications and journalism.
chapter relations and standards board and the
Holly Grajera
chapter president during her collegiate years.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Delta Omega (University of Kentucky)
communication and public relations, with minors
Holly Grajera served her chapter as vice
in diversity & community engagement and public
president public relations and marketing and
& urban affairs.
as chapter president. She holds a Bachelor of
Science degree in agricultural and medical
Taylor Vinson
biotechnology, with a minor in classics.
lota Sigma (Southern Methodist University)
Shannon Meyer
In addition to serving as chapter president and
vice president chapter relations and standards,
Beta Xi (Utah State University)
Taylor Vinson was also part of an internal review
Shannon Meyer graduated with a Bachelor
board to assess fraternity and sorority life on
of Science degree in kinesiology and
her campus. She earned a Bachelor of Business
pre-nursing. After supporting her sisters in
Administration in marketing, with minors in arts
public relations and member recognition,
management, advertising and history.
she led the Beta Xi chapter as vice president
Makenzie Neves
by the Numbers
Epsilon Theta (California State University,
Consultants on the 2019-20 team: 15
Most popular undergraduate
Holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Executive board positions: 21
Communication: 4
communication studies with a minor
Chapter president: 9
Kinesiology: 3
in global engagement and leadership,
Vice president recruitment: 3
Marketing: 3
Makenzie Neves volunteered as a page at
Vice president chapter relations
the 2016 National Convention. She served
and standards: 2
States of consultants' colleges: 11
the Epsilon Theta chapter as vice president
membership programming and vice president
Panhellenic president terms: 2
Impact on our collegiate chapters:
new member education, and then took her
Can't be quantified!
leadership to the Panhellenic Council as
National volunteer roles: 4
Convention page: 2
Leadership Academy collegiate
intern: 2
Welcome Home, Lambda Nu!
The founding
members of the
Lambda Nu chapter
Northeastern University - Boston, Massachusetts
On April 5, 119 new members participated
New Chapter
in the Lambda Nu chapter's initiation ceremony
at The Colonnade Hotel in Boston. The
Specialist Olivia
following day, the chapter was installed at the
Holt (Alpha Kappa,
same location. Attendees at the installation
University of Oregon,
banquet included National President Angela
left) and National
Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University),
President Angela
Alpha Chi Omega staff, Northeastern staff,
Costley Harris (right)
family, friends and Lambda Nu advisors.
present the Lambda
During the installation ceremony, Chapter
Nu chapter's charter
President Jenna Majeski told those gathered,
to Chapter President
"Our differences as a group make us better, and
Jenna Majeski.
underneath all the things that make us different
are the things that bring us together - our
Chapter Advisor
values, our passion and our position as real,
Ashlynn Rickord (lota
strong women. An identity is emerging for our
Omega, Carthage
chapter, and it's an identity that I'm proud to call
College) shares her
thoughts on the
Harris added her congratulations to the
chapter's founding.
new chapter, saying, "I sincerely wish you a
wonderful life as an Alpha Chi, wearing your
beautiful lyre badge. Thank you for making me
feel so proud and for being my sister."
Congratulations to the founding sisters of
Lambda Nu!
12 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Theta Tau!
Rutgers University -
New Brunswick,
New Jersey
Nearly 40 Theta Tau
alumnae attended
the re-installation
On May 3, 111 new members
banquet to meet
participated in the Theta Tau
their newest sisters.
chapter's initiation ceremony at the
Hyatt Regency New Brunswick.
The following day, the chapter was
re-installed at the same location.
Attendees at the banquet included
National President Angela Costley
Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue
University), CEO Katie Lampinen
Gaffin (Delta Zeta, Central Michigan
University), Alpha Chi Omega staff,
Rutgers University staff, family,
friends, Theta Tau advisors and Theta
Tau alumnae.
During the installation ceremony,
Chapter President Krista Collins told
those gathered, "We are empowered,
and we are women who give back
to their communities. We seek
to achieve greatness both as an
The founding
organization and as individuals.
members of the
Above all, we are real, strong women."
re-established Theta
Along with Co-Chapter Advisor
Tau chapter
Deanna Milano, Co-Chapter Advisor
Jennifer Smith shared, "Both Deanna
and I were initiated into Alpha Chi
at Rutgers, and we have been SO
excited to have the opportunity to
help re-establish a chapter that will
provide a rewarding sisterhood to
many women for years to come...
We are SO proud of the accomplished
young women who are our founding
members at Rutgers."
Senior Adiba Salim
Congratulations to the founding
(left) with CEO Katie
sisters of the re-established Theta Tau!
Lampinen Gaffin
AXQ News
By Allison Summers,
Assistant Director of Education and Leadership Initiatives
During the month of April, Alpha Chi Omega
observed Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).
SAAM is an annual campaign to raise public awareness
about sexual assault and to educate individuals and
communities on how to prevent sexual violence. Bringing
awareness to this important issue is another way that
we, as Alpha Chi Omega, can continue to fight against
Gamma Mu (Ball State University)
unhealthy relationships and build healthy relationships in
dedication to our national altruism of domestic violence
It is also important to know that sexual violence can have
psychological, emotional and physical effects on a survivor.
According to our national partners at the Rape, Abuse,
These effects can manifest as depression, flashbacks and
& Incest National Network (RAINN), the rate of sexual
post-traumatic stress disorder. Understanding these long-
violence has fallen 63 percent since 1993; yet every 92
term effects and how they impact a
seconds, an American is sexually
survivor's healing process can help us be
assaulted. Statistics like these show
prepared to know how someone might
that the support we can provide to
experience life after an assault and
increasing awareness and supporting
You are
share information on where a survivor
survivors with our communities can
can seek support from confidential
make positive change.
resources on their own terms.
Increasing awareness in
Beyond our awareness efforts during
your community can start with
the month of April, it is important to
conversations in your social groups
continue to recognize the impact of
about sexual assault and knowing how
sexual assault in our communities.
to support a survivor. When someone
For collegians, the first few months
discloses information about a sexual
on campus, commonly referred to
assault, it can be difficult to know how
as "the red zone," indicate a period
to respond. Encouraging words or
when undergraduate students are most
phrases such as "It's not your fault" and
"I believe you" can make all the difference.
likely to be sexually assaulted. This is also one of the most
14 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXQ News
critical times to share prevention education and amplify
awareness efforts within our campuses and communities.
Real. Strong. Women
If you're a collegian looking to get involved with campus
efforts, some questions you might consider include: What
education is currently being offered at my school to spread
awareness during this time period? What support services
are currently offered to survivors on my campus? How can
I advocate for growth in these spaces and resources?
We have the opportunity to shift the narrative around
sexual assault by creating opportunities to bring awareness
and action. Since going viral in 2017, the #MeToo
hashtag was used more than 19 million times in one year
on Twitter, according to Pew Research. The #MeToo
Movement itself was founded by Tarana Burke in 2006
to help survivors of sexual violence, particularly young
women of color from low-wealth communities, to find
Zeta Omega (Western Carolina University)
pathways to healing. Survivors have been able to use the
hashtag to reclaim their own narratives, choosing to share
that they too have been impacted by sexual violence.
Spaces like #Me Too provide us the opportunity outside
Do you know the statistics?
the realm of a physical college campus to have important
conversations about sexual violence. Online, we can share
Sexual violence is more prevalent at
more awareness efforts to individuals outside our normal
to other crimes such as robbery.
sphere of influence. As an alumna, have you considered
out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported
how you advocate to stop sexual assault and to support
to police.
the #Me Too movement in your community? You might
out of 10 rapes are committed by someone the
consider looking for opportunities to take action to prevent
victim knows.
sexual violence.
If you or someone you know has been sexually
One in
women and one in
men experience
assaulted, it's never too late to get help. Call 800-656-HOPE
some form of sexual violence during their lifetime.
(4673) or visit to chat anonymously one-
on-one, 24/7, with a trained RAINN staff member.
Epsilon Tau
(Virginia Tech)
AXO News
Share Your Story
Profile Update
on the AXQ Blog
Alpha Chi Omega headquarters
staff have been hard at work to provide
There's nothing quite like holding the
a more robust and easier-to-manage
latest issue of The Lyre in your hands and
member profile on
flipping through the stories of your sisters
Improved mobile-friendly functionality
on the pages. Yet with 275,000 members, the
and new enhancements make it
stories of our sisterhood easily fill more than
simpler for members to see an array of
the 72 pages of this magazine.
information in one convenient location.
Introducing the Alpha Chi Omega blog,
Expanded details include donor history,
an online platform to engage with the
communication preferences, volunteer
women of Alpha Chi Omega and learn their
involvement and more!
unique memories, experiences, struggles
The secure platform, accessed by
and triumphs. Blog posts can be explored
logging into, will
by category SO you read just what you're
continue to serve as the primary spot
interested in, or you can expand your
to update your address, add a seasonal
horizons; from sisterhood and leadership to
address, change your phone number,
events and impact, the blog has something
add a new employer, etc. In addition, the
for everyone.
Launched in March, the site has seen
Offers donors a collective look at their
dozens of stories - and it's just waiting for
giving history and lifetime giving
yours to join them! Visit the About Us page
total plus a convenient online method
on the blog for contact information, or click
for making pledge payments
"Share Your Story" on the Stay Connected
Provides a one-stop shop to update
page of We'd love to
your communication preferences
share your words, photos or videos with
- let us know what information is
sisters across the country.
important to you!
Visit our blog at
Allows members to spotlight their
volunteer interests and skills to
match with existing and future
Enables members to adjust their
privacy settings and identify the
The Recommendation Form is Live!
contact information they'd like to
share with sisters
Our collegiate chapters need you to submit recommendations for young
Highlights recent involvement,
women who would make great members of Alpha Chi Omega. Log on to
including event attendance, national and select "Recommend a Member" from the Favorites
volunteer roles, etc.
section on the homepage to access the form.
With the online recommendation form, you won't need to track down
Be sure to log on and check out
contact information for the chapter, and you'll be notified if the woman you
the features! Visit
recommended joins the chapter. Plus, with nearly 15,000 recommendations
and select "Member Login" at the top.
First-time visitors will need to create a
submitted last year, the online form allows our chapters to more efficiently
manage the influx of recommendations.
member profile by selecting "Register."
Questions? Read the FAQs on our website, or email recommendations@
16 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXO News
award Winners
Help us congratulate the women who have been awarded
Alpha Chi Omega's top honors for their accomplishments
and service in 2018.
Estelle Leonard Outstanding Senior Award
Recognizing a senior who is actively involved and clearly lives
the values of Alpha Chi Omega
Allison Walker
(Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University)
As chapter president, Allison Walker led her chapter with
character and determination, always willing to accept feedback
and remain open-minded to the ideas of her chapter sisters.
Some highlights from her collegiate experience include
planning a Panhellenic event to encourage friendship across
the fraternity/sorority community and organizing a Leadership,
Empowerment and Diversity workshop for her chapter. She is
a dedicated student and volunteer with the campus hospital
Amy Dubois Reith Emerging Leader Award
and her hometown women's shelter. Her nominator says, "Her
Recognizing a newly initiated sister who has embraced the
values never stray from true north, and it has been an honor
ideals of Alpha Chi Omega and shown great potential to serve
to have found someone in this chapter that acts as both an
exceptional role model and a timeless friend."
Jessica Bonadurer
(Beta Eta, Florida State University)
Jessica Bonadurer was recently elected to serve the Beta
Eta chapter as the vice president philanthropy and has
already given her leadership as the community service chair
and liaison to the local domestic violence shelter, Refuge
House. She is a regular volunteer at the shelter and Beta Eta
philanthropy events, and coordinated two volunteer events for
chapter members. Outside of Alpha Chi Omega, she serves as
president of the Best Buddies organization and is a founding
member of four campus organizations: Best Buddies Dance
Team, Mock Trial, Acting for Gender Equality Club and
Sign Language Club.
The Lyre Il
AXQ News
Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Advisor Award
Recognizing a campus-based professional advising
fraternity and sorority life who supports the women of
Alpha Chi Omega to seek the heights
Kate Roessler
Assistant Director of Student Engagement at Missouri
State University
Kate Roessler serves the Panhellenic community at
Missouri State University, and specifically the Zeta
Sigma chapter, by fostering meaningful and genuine
relationships. She remains transparent in her work,
has an open-door policy for the chapter members
and encourages all sorority women to live out their
organizations' rituals and mottos. She has served
as a facilitator in the Undergraduate Interfraternity
Institute and encourages Zeta Sigma sisters to give
back to their Panhellenic and Springfield, Missouri
Outstanding Collegiate Advisory Board Award
Recognizing an advisory board that demonstrates
effective leadership to a collegiate chapter
lota Sigma
(Southern Methodist University)
The 15-member advisory board includes women
from various collegiate chapters, professions and
ages, allowing them to show collegians the broad
experiences of Alpha Chi Omega membership.
With a mission to mentor and model the collegiate
members in a positive, encouraging and respectful
manner, the advisory board is present at events,
recruitment, initiation and programming to support
collegians. One of the board's greatest and continuing
accomplishments is each member's dedication to the
chapter's facility renovation project, as they provide
their time, talent and treasure to the campaign.
AXO News
Outstanding Dedication Award
Recognizing an alumna who gives many
volunteer hours faithfully and unselfishly
Outstanding Collegiate Advisor Award
Kara Shuror
Recognizing advisors who support a chapter,
(Epsilon Lambda,
serve as role models to members, and
The University of Texas at Arlington)
encourage innovation and motivation
Kara Shuror has been an active and engaged
Lizabeth Smith
member since joining Alpha Chi Omega
(Pi, University of California, Berkeley)
25 years ago. She served as the Delta Eta
Delta (Arlington, Texas) alumnae chapter's
In addition to serving as a Fraternity volunteer
treasurer for eight years and advises the
in several other capacities, Lizabeth Smith
Epsilon Lambda chapter's Panhellenic
has been a longstanding recruitment advisor
delegate, VP recruitment information and VP
for the Pi chapter, guiding the chapter
recruitment. She also volunteers her time as
Outstanding Collegiate Advisor Award
Recognizing advisors who support a
in improving its recruitment process by
a recruitment specialist for northern Texas
chapter, serve as role models to members,
supporting the collegians' vision. According
and as a REPRESENT facilitator. According to
to a former VP recruitment, "She embodies
and encourage innovation and motivation
her nominator, "Her ambition for Alpha Chi
everything I could hope to be as an alumna
Omega and the women around her is truly
Brittany Gum
for Pi chapter. She has given me guidance
inspiring. As she has personally guided me
when I did not know I needed it while also
(Delta Chi, William Woods University)
as my VP recruitment advisor this past year, I
recognizing when to take a step back and let
have seen what an impact she has made not
Brittany Gum joined the Zeta Sigma
me grow as a leader...She is a role model for
only on my position and Epsilon Lambda, but
(Missouri State University) advisory board
our entire chapter."
on this Fraternity as a whole."
in 2011 and now serves as the chapter
advisor. She is dedicated to improving the
chapter experience while also mentoring
members to grow as women. She has
helped lead the chapter to both local
and national awards, including the 2018
National Council Trophy. According to her
nominator, "Brittany puts every ounce of
her energy into being Zeta Sigma's chapter
advisor...she wants what is best for our
chapter and thinks about the backstops
when making decisions for the chapter
and encourages us to do so as well."
Lizabeth Smith (left) and Kara Shuror
The Lyre Il 19
AXO News
Young Alumna Award
Recognizing an alumna initiated in the past 12
years for her outstanding service to
Alpha Chi Omega
Olivia Manda Bickoff
(Gamma Omicron, Marshall University)
After her initiation in 2008, Manda Bickoff
served as vice president risk management
and implemented creative and effective
Alumna Appreciation Award
messaging and events around anti-hazing,
Recognizing an alumna who has given many
healthy relationships and sister support. As an
volunteer hours to Alpha Chi Omega in
alumna, she has served Gamma Omicron as
sustained, outstanding service
chapter advisor and as the advisor for chapter
relations and standards, risk management
Sandra Campbell Singleton
and recruitment. She also helped reopen
(Gamma Rho, Texas Tech University)
the Kappa Pi Kappa (Kanawha County, West
Virginia) alumnae chapter, serving on its
A loyal volunteer for many years, Sandy
executive board. She now volunteers with
Campbell Singleton has served as National
Rho Phi Rho (Gamma Omicron Alumnae)
Council secretary, national vice president,
as the committee chair. She is the co-chair
director for the National Housing Corporation,
of the National Alumna Initiate Program and
a member of the National Nominating
supports the Foundation as a member of two
Committee and recruitment advisor for lota
committees, an Ambassador and a donor.
Lambda (Texas Christian University). Most
recently, she has been assisting with the
capital campaign to build a new chapter
lodge for Gamma Rho. She has helped shape
the direction of the campaign and contacted
alumnae, particularly initiates from 1960-64 to
name the lodge's Founders' Room. Five Alpha
Chi Omegas submitted letters of support for
Sandra's nomination, each mentioning her
passion, love, support and mentorship of
Alpha Chi Omega collegians.
20 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXQ News
Award of Achievement
Recognizing alumnae who have gained national
recognition in their chosen profession and/or field
of study
Nancy Smith Fichter
(Beta Eta, Florida State University)
Nancy Smith Fichter's distinguished career spans
60 years as an artist, teacher, author and arts
administrator. She holds a Bachelor and Master
of Arts in English, as well as a Ph.D. in dance and
related arts. She worked as a professor of dance
at Florida State University for 45 years, and after
retiring, she continued to teach and direct dance
works at the university. She also established the
Lillian E. Smith Foundation, providing a rural retreat
for artists. Her nominator explains, "Nancy personifies
our sisterhood's promise to cultivate an appreciation
of the fine arts. In fact, her entire career and her
work for the world of dance continues to bring
recognition to Alpha Chi Omega.'
Paige Hunter
(Gamma Omicron, Marshall University)
Brigadier General Paige Hunter is a member of the
United States Air Force. After being sworn in as a
second lieutenant in 1983, she has worked her way
up, serving in Operations Desert Storm and Desert
Shield, eventually earning the rank of colonel and
then brigadier general, the first woman in West
Virginia to be promoted to this rank. She now works
as the assistant adjutant general and commander
of the West Virginia Air National Guard, providing
command and control over both the 2,100 members
and the two flying units.
The Lyre Il 21
AXO News
2019-21 Province Officers
On behalf of the Province Officer Nominating Committee, we are thrilled to announce the women who
will serve the Fraternity through the province officer volunteer role. These province collegiate chairs
and province alumnae chairs began their service on June 1 and will continue through May 31, 2021.
We look forward to seeing the impact they make across the country.
Province Collegiate Chairs
Mallory Sylvester (Alpha Omega,
Province Alumnae Chairs
Birmingham-Southern College) - Northern
Corinne Wolffe (Zeta Eta, Bradley University)
Michele Mattoon (Rho, University of
- Alaska/Hawaii/Idaho/Oregon/Washington/
Washington) - Alaska/Hawaii/Idaho/Oregon/
Megan Blackwell (Alpha Kappa, University
of Oregon) - Northern California/Northern
Samantha Cone (Beta Psi, Louisiana Tech
Clare Huddleston (Alpha Upsilon, The
University) - Alabama/Louisiana/Mississippi/
University of Alabama) - Alabama/Louisiana/
Keri Mohrbach (Beta Phi, Bowling Green
State University) - Ohio
Megan Pendley Pickett (Gamma Mu, Ball
Victoria Gigoux (Alpha Psi, UCLA) - Arizona/
State University) - Arizona/Colorado/New
Carolina Anthony (Beta Eta, Florida State
Colorado/New Mexico/Wyoming/Utah
University) - Southern Florida
Ashley Malone (Gamma Zeta, Kansas State
Ann DiAntonio (Theta Lambda, Clemson
Jolie Napier-Vea (lota Tau, California State
University) - Central California
University) - Georgia/South Carolina
University San Marcos) - Southern California/
Southern Nevada
Deirdre Hill (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University)
Erin Weesner (Gamma Mu, Ball State
- Georgia/South Carolina
University) - Indiana
Heather Racer (Gamma Omicron, Marshall
University) - Virginia/West Virginia
Heather Calloway Kissam (Alpha Gamma,
Sarah Back (Gamma Pi, University of Tampa)
The University of New Mexico) - Illinois
- Kentucky/Tennessee
Annie DeClerq (Beta Phi, Bowling Green
Melissa Weber (Zeta Tau, Villanova
The volunteer director of PCCs is Lindsay
State University) - Indiana
University) - Maryland/Washington, DC
Butterfield (Gamma Epsilon, Oklahoma State
Jessica Lahey (Gamma Zeta, Kansas State
Shannon Pettit (Delta Zeta, Central Michigan
University) - Kentucky/Tennessee
University) - Michigan
Rashmi Khare (Theta Omicron,
Seinquis Leinen (Alpha Pi, University of
The following provinces are still in need of a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -
North Dakota) - Minnesota/Wisconsin/North
PCC; please contact Arianna Bradley, director
Massachusetts/Vermont/Rhode Island/No
Dakota/South Dakota
of lifetime engagement, at
Hampshire/Maine if you or
Kate Cossa (Delta Nu, lowa State University)
someone you know may be interested:
Stephanie Knott (Gamma Omicron, Marshall
- Missouri/lowa
University) - Maryland/Washington, DC
Central California
Caroline Long (Epsilon Chi, University
Maureen Cherry (Delta Zeta, Central
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) - North
Massachusetts/Vermont/Rhode Island/
Michigan University) - Michigan
New Hampshire/Maine
New York/Connecticut
Melissa Chandler (Delta Tau, Minnesota
Krystal Murer (Gamma Tau, Oklahoma City
State University, Mankato) - Minnesota/
University) - Nebraska/Oklahoma/Kansas
Southern Texas
Kathleen Tucker (Gamma lota, University of
Carol Frank (Delta Chi, William Woods
Florida) - New Jersey/Delaware/Pennsylvania
University) - Missouri/lowa/North Dakota/
South Dakota
Jaime Oliver (Gamma Theta, University of
Maryland) - Northern Florida
22 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
AXQ News
As our sisters finish June's
book, Delia Owen's Where the
Crawdads Sing, we're excited
to share what's coming next for
the Alumnae Book Club. And
remember, you can join the
club any time by searching for
"AXO Alumnae Book Club" on
Nicole Holubar (Epsilon Phi, Georgia
Institute of Technology) - North Carolina
Tanya Chiariello (Psi, The University of
Oklahoma) - Nebraska/Oklahoma/Kansas
The Library Book
Lauren Hughes (Theta Tau, Rutgers
University) - New Jersey/Delaware/
by Susan Orlean
Orlean chronicles a massive fire at the
Los Angeles Public Library in 1986.
Barbara Eaton (Beta Epsilon, Michigan
She dives into the aftermath of the fire
State University) - Northern Florida
Heather Carrio (Psi, The University of
to showcase the important role that
libraries play in our lives. Through her
Oklahoma) - Northern Texas
reporting on the fire, she also explores
Vicky Sauer-Lamb (Epsilon Xi, University
the evolution of libraries across the globe
of Nevada, Reno) - Northern California/
and the importance each library brings
Northern Nevada
to a community.
Allison Clawans (Theta Tau, Rutgers
University) - New York/Connecticut
author of
Tamara Norris (Beta Omega, The
University of Toledo) - Ohio
Samantha Linthicum (Gamma Omicron,
Marshall University) - Southern Florida
Suzanne Cobb (Epsilon, University of
Southern California) - Southern Texas
The Silence of the Girls
by Pat Barker
Amy Frantz (lota Tau, California State
In this historical fiction, Barker tells
University San Marcos) - Southern
California/Southern Nevada
the story of the ancient city of Troy and
the untold story of the women caught
Jennifer Terry (Zeta Lambda, University of
in the battle between Agamemnon and
Virginia) - Virginia/West Virginia
Achilles. When Briseis, a queen in a
neighboring kingdom, finds herself a
The new volunteer director of PACs is
slave to the war, she leverages her new
Kim McClure (Gamma Omicron, Marshall
position to fight for her people and steer
the fate of the war.
We'd also like to thank Linda Sheldone
(Rho, University of Washington) for her
completed service as volunteer director of
PACs and for her passionate dedication to
the alumnae experience.
The Lyre Il 23
Springing into New Beginnings
By Eliza Payne
(Delta Chi, William Woods University), Housing Operations Coordinator
While the spring season is commonly associated
with warmer weather and colorful flowers, it is also
synonymous with growth and new beginnings. This was
especially true for the National Housing Corporation as
we welcomed the Beta Nu chapter at the University of
Utah as a new member this past March.
The Beta Nu chapter originated in 1914 as a local
group called the Alpha Chi Sorority. Their seven
founders began the local organization with the intent of
being absorbed by Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity. After
many years of correspondence and review, the Beta Nu
chapter was officially installed as Alpha Chi Omega's
58th chapter on March 23, 1934.
The original chapter house was owned at the time
of installation, SO members were able to experience
the housing component of Alpha Chi Omega from the
beginning. This facility was located at 1365 East South
Temple with six bedrooms, housing two members in
each room. Alumnae members furnished the entire
property, and the house payments were a whopping
$75 per month! A few years later in 1938, Beta Nu
purchased a lot on First South, which directly faced
the campus. In October 1946 the chapter purchased
the adjacent lot in order to accommodate a later
expansion; however, it wasn't until May 1963 that the
groundbreaking took place! The house has undergone
several remodels since that time.
A meeting on January 20, 1936 marked the start of
the local housing corporation for the Beta Nu chapter.
At the time, any Alpha Chi Omega member over the
age of 21 who resided in Salt Lake County would
automatically be a member of the LHC. Throughout
Beta Nu's history, the LHC has worked in conjunction
with collegiate members, the parents' club and fellow
alumnae members to help service the structural needs
of the Beta Nu facility. Now, Alpha Chi Omega is
thrilled to move forward with this partnership between
Beta Nu and the NHC. We are looking forward to
seeking the heights with this chapter for many years to
The chapter house is close to campus and located alongside other
fraternity and sorority facilities.
24 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Bets Nu
A 1963 rendering of the Beta Nu house, where the chapter resides today
EST 1934
The dining room at the Beta Nu house today doubles as a great
study space.
Visitors know right away they are at an Alpha Chi Omega facility when
they walk into the Beta Nu chapter house!
The Lyre Il 25
Facility Focus
Beta Omega (The University of Toledo)
Our members at The University of Toledo were welcomed back after winter break to an upgrade in their university suite. The suite
received all new furniture on the first floor, providing more seating in both the living room and dining room/study areas. The
basement and kitchen areas also received new flooring thanks in part to contributions from the chapter and university. Beta Omega
members will be able to gather and new suite renovations.
Delta Lambda (Ripon College)
January of this year saw furniture upgrades in the chapter suite at Ripon College. While the suite is owned by the university,
furnishings are the responsibility of the NHC. The furniture upgrades tie in Alpha Chi Omega elements. Plus, the university
allows chapters to paint their suites to represent their organizations, SO the red accent wall completes this room!
Together Let Us
Seek The Heights
Together Let Us
Seek The Heights
26 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Needs a
Q&A with
Ginny Duffy
When you ask Ginny Duffy (Alpha
Zeta, Washington University, initiated
in 1941) what her favorite Alpha Chi
Omega memory is, she'll first tell you
she's 97 and then go on to share about
Ginny Duffy (right) has attended 20 national conventions, but had to miss the 2018 event.
the many friendships she developed
However, after Sigma Sigma alumnae chapter took home the National Council Trophy, sister
because of Alpha Chi Omega. She wants
Carol Frank made sure its first stop was to see Duffy.
to know about her sisters and what she
can do to help them.
held many roles within Alpha Chi
Pattie and Kim. My sorority connections
Carol Frank (Delta Chi, William
Omega. These include collegiate chapter
are with my grandchildren: Chi Omega,
Woods University) frequently visits
president, alumnae chapter president
Sigma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Chi
Duffy and had the opportunity to
of Sigma Sigma (in 1963-65 and again
Omega. My granddaughter Ginnie
talk with her about her connection to
in 1999-2001) and district alumnae
became a member of the Zeta Sigma
Alpha Chi and the importance she sees
chair for Missouri and Kansas. I was the
chapter at Missouri State University
in sorority.
Alumnae Appreciation Award winner
in 2006. My daughter Kim became an
"Ginny inspires me by her loving
in 2005 and was honored at the 2006
alumna initiate in 2016. I hope they will
enthusiasm for sisterhood," Frank says.
National Convention in Orlando.
carry on the legacy of sisterhood!
"She is constantly asking what we can do
to encourage sisters to be involved with
Why do you give back to the Alpha Chi
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Alpha Chi Omega at a national level. I feel
Omega Foundation as a donor?
I'm 97 years old and still in a good frame
I get more from Ginny than I give to her
The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation is a
of mind after answering these questions!
on Wednesdays when I visit with her."
proven organization that is committed to
I wish every young woman to have a
helping sisters that are in need - while
rich, rewarding experience.
Why did you join Alpha Chi Omega?
making sure the future of Alpha Chi
I joined Alpha Chi because I liked the
Omega is secure.
Duffy is a member of the Foundation's
women, their interests and their purpose
Founders' Roll, honoring those who have
in establishing a sisterhood. I was raised
What are your future hopes for
made more than $100,000 in recognition
as an only child, and it was a rewarding
Alpha Chi Omega?
giving, and of the Heritage Society, for
experience to be involved with so many
I want Alpha Chi to continue to be an
those donors who have made a legacy gift
influence in the lives of young women. I
through an endowed fund or a planned
value Alpha Chi to connect with others
gift. She also established the Virginia
How have you stayed connected to
and hope it continues to be an influence
Harring Duffy Member Assistance Fund
Alpha Chi Omega over the years?
for future generations of sisters.
for sisters in need.
My connection to Alpha Chi has
influenced my life and my many
Tell us about your children and
Special thanks to Sigma Sigma (St.
friendships. I knew I wanted to remain
grandchildren and how they are
Louis, MO) President Julie Wisbrock (Phi,
connected to our sisterhood for my
connected to Greek life.
University of Kansas) for her assistance
entire life. Throughout the years, I've
Harry and I had three children: Tom,
with this Qe-A.
The Lyre Il 27
The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation's Third Annual
Day of Giving
Empowered Women Empower Women.
By Madeline Plesac (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Associate Director of Advancement
A fun element of Day of Giving is
MerLynn Pitcher (Beta Xi, Utah State
Each Day of Giving donor receives a
our chapters making calls thanking
University) gvies $10,000 to the Real.
special donor number to display as
Alpha Chi Omega donors and
Strong. Women. R Fund and matches
their Facebook profile picture.
volunteers for their support.
dollar for dollar during the time of her
match gift.
$150,000 MILESTONE
Anne Teaford-Cantor (Alpha Psi, UCLA)
Another milestone is reached! Where
We beat the 2018 total with time to
keeps the party going after hours
will we end up? Who will be inspired
spare! There's still time for more!
with her late-night match gift inspiring
to give in the last few hours?
sisters on the West Coast to give.
28 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
April 10, 2019. Alpha Chi Omega Day of
Giving has begun! Headquarters staff
1 DAY.
gathers in Indianapolis for an empowerment
breakfast to kick off the day.
More than
The first milestone is reached -
$50,000 in gifts has been raised!
You have provided instrumental
support for creating the Real. Strong.
Woman. Experience by giving to the
Real. Strong. Women. Fund, Leadership
1903: The age of flight
flight Kitty Hawk.
Academy, Women & Wisdom and Social
Generally, women made their
patterns, but mass-produced
market. Women spent $14 mi
Excellence Training. THANK YOU to the
1906: Alpha Alpha, Chicago,
sisters, families and friends who helped
Indianapolis, were established
chartered alumnae chapters.
1908: Collegiate chapters
empower women.
to elect an alumna advisor.
> The Coat Arm
adopted and remai
Day of Giving by the
Raised more than $132,000 for the Real.
for making
Strong. Women. Fund
DAYo GIVING4.10.19
Can you believe
576 alumnae donors
as in...
it? A new record
100% of projects
43 Scarlet Ribbon Society members
for Alpha Chi
supported during
28 collegiate and alumnae chapters
Omega's Day of
80 campaign ambassadors
Giving. Thank you
100% STAFF
Participants from 48 states
to our 681 donors
Championed by
for supporting
Funds Raised to Support Programming:
$28,000 for Leadership Academy
$15,000 for Women & Wisdom
$10,000 for Social Excellence Training
in just
Collegiate Corner
Sharing the Sorority
The Alpha Chi Omega delegation lobbying at Capitol Hill
National President Angela Costley Harris and
Siana Carsrud during their lobbying
By Siana Carsrud
Have you heard about what is
system, and fueled my inner drive to
(Epsilon Nu, Boise State University)
happening at Harvard University? If not,
become a real, strong woman. Without
I would highly encourage you to visit
this single-gender organization, I don't
I would describe my time spent in to learn more. The
know where I'd be!
D.C. as absolutely incredible! It was an
CFAA seeks to preserve student choice,
We also lobbied on two acts that
honor to represent Alpha Chi Omega
protect the single-gender experience,
seek to address hazing. It was important
on Capitol Hill while lobbying on
and provide equal treatment for all
to let Congress know that members
behalf of the Fraternal Government
student organizations.
of the fraternity/sorority community
Relations Coalition. To be lobbying
During my time in D.C., I learned
want to get rid of the hazing stigma that
on important legislation that seeks
firsthand what is happening at Harvard.
surrounds us and that we do not support
to protect and better our community
This information scared and frustrated
these actions whatsoever. The point of
alongside our National President,
me. When meeting with members of
these two acts are to hold organizations
Angela Costley Harris, and two other
Congress, we informed them about what
accountable for their actions and to be
amazing Panhellenic women was truly
is happening at Harvard and how the
completely transparent to all.
empowering. We were given the most
First Amendment is being violated.
The END ALL Act would require
perfect platform to share our experiences
From this experience, I further
schools to have a page on their website
in single-gender organizations and how
began to realize how impactful being
that shares information about all
they have shaped us into the women we
a part of a single-gender organization
campus student organizations that have
are today.
has been on my life. Going into college,
been disciplined for hazing and other
While in D.C., we lobbied on very
I was caught up in a highly unhealthy
misconduct. The REACH Act clearly
important legislation that seeks to
relationship. After joining Alpha Chi
defines hazing, would require schools
protect single-gender organizations and
Omega, I learned what constituted
to include incidents of hazing in their
people's rights to associate, and that also
a healthy relationship and began to
Clery Act reporting and would provide
addresses hazing incidents that take
apply these concepts to my own life -
educational programs that would
place all across the nation. These three
eventually navigating my way out of this
educate students about hazing.
pieces of legislation were The Collegiate
relationship that did nothing but bring
Overall, this experience was SO eye-
Freedom of Association Act (CFAA),
me down. This group of 150 women
opening, and I know that after three
The END ALL Act and The REACH Act.
served as my safe place and support
days in D.C., we made a big impact.
30 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Experience on Capitol Hill
By Alex Murray
(Beta Eta, Florida State University)
In April I had the honor of serving
Alpha Chi Omega during the 2019
Fraternal Government Relations
Coalition Capitol Hill Visits. This
experience was unlike anything I had
ever done and exceeded all of my
expectations. I had such an incredible
time, and I truly learned SO much about
myself and the world around me.
I arrived early Monday morning and
had some time to myself to explore the
city and regroup before the training
sessions started. We were in training for
the entire afternoon, where we learned
the ins and outs of the three bills that we
were proposing: the Collegiate Freedom
of Association Act (CFAA) and two
anti-hazing proposals, the END ALL Act
and the REACH Act. We learned a little
bit of history and the background of
why these three bills were SO necessary,
as well as heard stories from fellow
students attending the coalition about
Alex Murray (second from right), CEO
Alpha Chi Omega collegians on the Hill:
their experience of being a fraternity or
Katie Gaffin (right) and their lobbying
(left to right) Allison Aprahamian (lota Sigma,
sorority member today.
partners met with Congressman Neal
Southern Methodist University), Alex Murray
The second day was filled with more
and Siana Carsrud
training sessions, ones where we truly
got to work on our pitches and work
around the nation. My team and I
best voices to speak about the issues and
with our partner to prepare ourselves for
had 11 meetings where we met with
to ask for any help that would produce
the visits. That afternoon our alumnae
Congressmen and Congresswomen,
positive change within them.
came and helped to solidify all of our
chiefs-of-staff, and representatives who
This experience was truly incredible,
thoughts, educating us further on the
heard our pleas for the proposal of these
one that left me with SO much thought
importance of these bills and how we
and gratitude to be where I am and to be
as student leaders could help get them
As the former Beta Eta chapter
a part of a Greek-letter chapter. I want to
accepted and approved by members of
president and the current Florida
preserve the single-gender experience for
State University Panhellenic Council
years to come, and to enhance it in ways
The third day is when we went to
president, I believe it is extremely
that would ultimately make it a better
the Hill, advocating for student rights
important to advocate for the sorority
and safer community for all. I'm so
and the importance of these three bills,
experience within our government.
grateful to have had this experience and
which would protect the single-gender
I believe that our students are very
to have been a part of such important
experience and enforce stricter anti-
informed on what is going on within our
and necessary change for the fraternity/
hazing laws for Greek communities
communities, and we are some of the
sorority community.
The Lyre Il 31
On Campus
Mental Health on Today's
College Campuses
By Devin Hall,
Possible Warning Signs
Assistant Director of Prevention Education
of Emotional Distress
Adapted from the AXQ and Jed
Throughout the past several years,
with tools to help a friend in need or
Foundation resource "Help a Friend
mental health concerns among college
ways to respond and support someone
in Need"
students have become increasingly
who experienced a traumatic event.
more alarming. A recent survey on
Knowing that a sister may be struggling,
behalf of the American College Health
we encourage women to reach out -
Be aware of social media posts that
Association indicated that in the
pick up the phone, swing by their room,
include the following themes:
past year, three out of five students
walk with them between classes, let
O Feeling alone, hopeless or isolated
experienced overwhelming anxiety
them know they are not alone and you
Irritability or hostility
and two out of five students were too
are concerned for them, and offer to
Impulsive behaviors
depressed to function. As students
help connect them with extra support.
Withdrawal from everyday activities
continue to experience struggles with
When someone shares vulnerable or
mental health concerns like anxiety,
traumatic experiences, it is important
depression and substance abuse,
our members listen to their sisters and
Be aware of a friend following posts
Alpha Chi Omega continues to be
show empathy. We need to believe an
or accounts that promote negative
a leading organization providing its
individual's experiences and be equipped
members developmental programs to
to provide additional resources, both
assist today's college students.
on campus and nationally, to assist that
Trust your instincts. If you see
To help collegiate chapters and our
someone making posts that suggest
advisors with honest conversations
Through our partnership with the
regarding mental health, Alpha Chi
she is in emotional distress, reach
Jed Foundation, we have also developed
Omega has established partnerships and
the Gatekeeper Training program. A
out and offer to get her the help she
developed curriculum to both educate
gatekeeper is defined as a member of
may need.
and empower women around healthy
the campus community who is able
conversations involving mental health.
to help when a student is struggling.
In September 2014, Alpha Chi
This program is designed for executive
Omega became the first National
board officers to recognize concerning
the mental health spectrum, learn
Panhellenic Conference organization
behaviors and offers a framework
coping skills and approach a friend who
to affiliate with The Jed Foundation,
for how to strategically express those
might need help.
Szabo shares that we are too often
joining men's fraternities Sigma Chi
and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The Jed
In addition to Gatekeeper Training,
focused on discussing our physical
Foundation is a leading nonprofit whose
we have recently launched the Behind
health, working out or having a balanced
mission is to promote emotional health
Happy Faces mental health curriculum
diet, but how often are we thinking
among college and university students.
to provide members and advisors with
about our minds? The Behind Happy
We have collaborated with the Jed
a better understanding of their own
Faces mental health curriculum provides
Foundation to develop immediate
and others' mental health. Created
four lessons to collegiate members to
resources to address the needs of our
with Ross Szabo, CEO of the Human
facilitate with their chapter to help
sisters understand mental health, learn
members. Hearing that students are
Power Project, the program includes
experiencing emotional distress or
four lessons to help members better
coping skills and talk to a sister who
suicidal ideations, we provide guides
understand mental health, personalize
may be experiencing a mental health
32 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
challenge. We also provide an advisors
This program [Behind
matter what, individuals shouldn't be
series that reviews mental health on
Happy Faces] has
embarrassed or worried about offending
today's college campuses and provides a
or upsetting a friend. Helping your sister
support structure and guidance to assist
encouraged our women
may take some courage, but it is always
members with their own mental health
to have those hard
worth the effort to support their health
conversations with each
and safety.
As more than 200 women gathered
other. It allowed our sisters
As collegiate members continue to
in Newport Beach in February for
navigate challenges surrounding mental
the 2019 Southern California and
to be vulnerable and
health concerns, Alpha Chi Omega
Nevada Province Day, headquarters
voice their experience,
believes it is vital to provide support to
collegiate experience team members
grow in confidence and in
members on wellness topics to support
headed out west to engage the women
sisterhood. It has equipped
the development of real, strong women.
in conversations about supporting
Through this commitment, we continue
members who may experience mental
them to approach sisters,
to find innovative and collaborative
health challenges. The curriculum was
friends and families
ways to educate our members and those
adapted based on the foundation of
about hard conversations
who support them to help one another
the Gatekeeper Training with elements
regarding someone's mental
and seek professional help, should
from Behind Happy Faces. Participants
someone need it.
learned about unhealthy mental health
The Harm Reduction Task Force,
behaviors and action steps to assist
- Kristy Harmison (lota Chi, Middle
made up of staff members and
a sister who may be experiencing
Tennessee State University)
volunteers, comes together throughout
mental health challenges and how to
the year to identify opportunities and
seek professional help, should they
preventative skills and resources to
strengths in our educational initiatives
need it. We explored coping skills and
be able to help educate and empower
related to prevention efforts and seeks to
how to help members identify healthy
our members. We need to equip
ensure every member has a meaningful
alternatives to navigating challenges.
our members and advisors with the
and safe experience.
With 25 percent of college students
tools and resources to support their
For more information on our
experiencing a mental health disorder,
sisters and be able to guide them to
programs or how you can assist a sister
according to a study published in
further assistance, such as campus
in need, please visit the Collegians
the Archives of General Psychiatry,
counseling resources or other licensed
section on the Alpha Chi Omega
our students and volunteers need the
advocates and helping professionals. No
The Lyre Il 33
Linda testifying as part of her ambassador role
A Diagnosis Leads to a Lifelong Mission
Combining a mother's legacy, an education and a breast cancer diagnosis to create change
By Lauren Filippini
something you were meant to talk about."
experienced breast cancer and who can
(Alpha Chi, Butler University), Editor
Wiesenthal had a mastectomy in 1966
help them understand and emotionally
and began discussing her experience with
manage what's happening to them,"
breast cancer diagnosis
those in her community. A friend shared
Alderman explains.
prompts so many questions.
with her an advertisement from the
As the conversation about breast
What are my options? How
American Cancer Society (ACS) asking
cancer was working its way out of the
can I get support? How
for volunteers for a program that would
shadows when Alderman was a child, she
will I afford this? How can I fight this?
match breast cancer survivors with newly
didn't learn of her mother's legacy until
Linda Alderman (Gamma, Northwestern
diagnosed patients. Determined to help
her teenage years. And it wasn't until her
University) is working to provide
other women facing a similar diagnosis,
own diagnosis at age 45 that she truly
Wiesenthal responded to the ad and
understood the impact her mother made.
A two-time breast cancer survivor
ultimately helped create the Reach to
"I started appreciating my mother's
herself, Alderman volunteers in
Recovery program.
work when I had my diagnosis and
several capacities to create change
Fifty years later, Reach to Recovery
realized how difficult the breast cancer
and support women on their breast
has helped 1.5 million women worldwide
treatment process is and how many
cancer journeys. Her involvement in
in their fight against breast cancer. From
options there are," she says. "My mom,
one of these volunteer organizations,
the first possibility of a diagnosis to as
the other founders of Reach to Recovery
the American Cancer Society's Reach
long as a woman desires support, trained
and the ACS gave an incredible gift to
to Recovery program, means a special
Reach to Recovery volunteers offer
women by creating a resource for women
connection, one that goes as far back as
comfort, resources and a sounding board
who need answers to the myriad of
the organization's founding.
for women trying to make informed
questions that a breast cancer diagnosis
When Alderman's mother, Margery
decisions about their healthcare during
Wiesenthal, was diagnosed with breast
this overwhelming time. Volunteers are
Knowing her family history,
cancer at age 30 in the 1960s, it wasn't a
breast cancer survivors, who can show
Alderman routinely got mammograms
diagnosis she could share.
current patients that living a life after
and MRIs as needed, was diagnosed early
"It was a taboo subject," Alderman
cancer is possible.
and had a double mastectomy. But just
says. "People were ashamed if a family
"It's really comforting for women
four years later, a new growth was found
member had breast cancer, and it wasn't
to speak with somebody who has
that required radiation therapy and other
34 Summer 2019 The Lyre
Making a Difference
long-term medications to treat. While
hopefully become enforceable in 2020.
she is now in remission, she notes that
Are You Dense is also advocating in
the emotional effects are long-lasting,
Connecticut for mandated insurance
which is why Reach to Recovery provides
coverage of ultrasounds for women
support for as long as a woman needs it.
with dense breast tissue to detect early
"Women who have breast cancer live
stage breast cancer without any cost-
with that diagnosis the rest of their life,"
sharing by the patient. This law would
she explains, "regardless of whether they
allow women who have dense breasts
are actively treating a cancer diagnosis,
to get the screening they need, since
or worrying about recurrence or
mammography alone usually cannot
metastasis after treatment is concluded."
detect breast cancer, without having to
As a Reach to Recovery volunteer,
pay a deductible or co-pay. Alderman
Alderman looks to her mother's legacy
plans on advocating for this law on a
and her own journey. After completing
federal basis in the coming year.
rigorous training, she speaks weekly with
"It is very difficult to manage the
women who are at various stages in their
financial burden of medical bills when
breast cancer journey.
you are ill," Alderman explains. "So what
"It gives me a sense of fulfillment
I'm trying to do is get more of the costs
because I know I'm helping other women
associated with breast cancer screening
during one of the most difficult periods
and treatment covered by insurance SO
of their lives," she says. "I'm sharing
that women with breast cancer can focus
my experience and knowledge with the
on their treatment and recovery rather
hope that I can ease their minds through
Linda (right) with her mother, Margery
than the debt they are accumulating."
emotional or substantive support."
And there's more: Alderman is also
Alderman also often provides advice
a legislative ambassador for the ACS's
on online breast cancer boards on
cancer tumors on a mammogram, and
Cancer Action Network. Recently, she
Facebook or On one
many women with dense breasts receive
testified in front of the Connecticut state
of these boards, she reconnected with
breast cancer diagnoses at a much later
legislature for a law that would raise the
a Gamma chapter sister who also had
stage than women without dense breast
age to purchase nicotine products to 21,
breast cancer.
tissue. Alderman, who had very dense
and is advocating against federal rules
"Alpha Chi Omega gave me
breast tissue that made her first breast
proposed by the Trump administration
leadership experience in college and
cancer diagnosis difficult, explains that
that could result in some necessary
lifelong friendships," Alderman, who
in many states a woman's tissue density
cancer drugs not being covered by
served as the Kappa Tau (University of
is not required to be reported to her after
Medicaid as well as cause delays in
Connecticut) chapter advisor, adds. "I
her mammogram, SO she is unaware that
treatment for cancer patients.
will always be grateful."
she would need additional tests, like an
"That's the legacy my mom left in
Alderman is also using her law degree
ultrasound or MRI, to detect cancer.
me - I feel a need to change laws to help
to effect change. She gives her time to
Alderman and Are You Dense are
women who are trying to get the cancer
Are You Dense, a nonprofit organization
advocating to require providers to notify
screening they need or who have a cancer
committed to educating about the risks
women about their breast density, and
diagnosis," Alderman says. "My mom did
and screening challenges for women with
to date, 36 states have enacted or are
amazing work to help support women
dense breast tissue and advocating for
working on density reporting laws.
with breast cancer with what she had at
public policy changes.
Further, Are You Dense successfully
her disposal. I have a legal background,
Are You Dense explains that 40
advocated for a federal regulation that
and I'm using my experience and
percent of women have dense breast
requires that women in every state be
education as a way to change laws to help
tissue, which makes it more difficult,
informed by their physician if they
people battling cancer."
and sometimes impossible, to see breast
have dense breasts; this regulation will
The Lyre Il 35
Road Trip
and Reunions
Two sisters gather each year to
of the other car and where you had
remember their cross-country
stopped," Jo explains. "Then the other
car would call Highway Patrol, who
adventure made 60 years ago.
would relay the location of the motel
where the first car was."
Highway Patrol came in handy at
Jo Hurley
By Lauren Filippini
(Alpha Chi, Butler University), Editor
least one more time as Jo and Phyllis
made their way through Denver and
Less than a year out of college,
Reno until reaching the gleaming Bay
working in jobs they didn't like, Jo
Bridge leading into San Francisco on
Sicking (now Hurley) and Phyllis
August 4.
Anderson (now DuBois) were ready for
Phyllis recalls the pair riding into the
an adventure. It was the early 1960s, and
city in their Lanz dresses.
the Phi (University of Kansas) chapter
"We were wearing those the day we
sisters decided to make a move.
arrived in San Francisco, and it was
"We were looking for an exciting
freezing cold there, and here we were
place to go," Jo says. "We thought about
in our little cotton dresses," she says,
Guatemala, but everyone talked us out of
that because we didn't speak Spanish."
The sisters spent a little time
Phyllis DuBois
The pair eventually decided on San
exploring and then quickly found jobs
Francisco. They packed up everything
and an apartment, playing tourists on
Amid all the people they met and
they owned and hopped in Phyllis' 1953
the weekend.
changes they experienced, Jo and Phyllis
Pontiac, which she describes as "teal
"It was easy to meet people," Jo says.
still hold that August 4 arrival in San
green, with a huge back seat and a very
"In 24 hours of being there, we both had
Francisco as a date of importance, and
long hood." Jo's parents followed in
a tradition has been born. Each year,
the car behind as they set out from the
Alpha Chi Omega also helped Jo and
around the start of August, the sisters
Phyllis expand their network in their
get together for a meal to celebrate their
But this was the age before Google
new city, as they met women through the
arrival. Though the distance is much
Maps and cell phones. The 1,800-mile
local alumnae chapter. Phyllis became
shorter - Jo still lives in San Francisco
road trip from Kansas City to San
involved in several local organizations
and Phyllis lives nearby in San Jose - the
Francisco looked a lot different than it
unrelated to Alpha Chi Omega, and Jo
journey is nonetheless important.
would today.
started volunteering with the Pi chapter
Phyllis remembers one year, around
The caravan traveled 400 miles per
at the University of Berkeley, where she
the 50th anniversary of their arrival, that
day, Jo's parents trying to stay within
eventually became chapter advisor. She
her husband played chauffeur to the
sight of the teal Pontiac. The pair took
later served on the National Council and
two while they went to a restaurant that
turns driving; once when Jo was behind
the Foundation Board of Trustees.
had been in the city as long as they had,
the wheel, Phyllis says, "I fell asleep, and
Jo encourages sisters new to an
swinging by one of the apartments they
when I woke up, I looked around and
area to look up their local collegiate or
lived in together.
said, 'Where are your parents?"
alumnae chapter to get involved.
Phyllis says she can always count
Luckily, they had agreed on the city
"You can go into just about every
on an email from Jo each year, setting
they would stop in that evening. But how
town and call up an Alpha Chi Omega,
the date for their reunion meal and the
to let the other car know where exactly
and I'm sure they would treat you nicely,"
chance to relive their favorite memories.
they had ended up?
she says. "I always thought if I ever got
A reminder of how where you've
"You would call Highway Patrol
stranded somewhere, I could find an
been and how far you've come - isn't
and give them the license plate number
Alpha Chi Omega."
that what sisters are for?
36 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Career Outlook
Sisters in STEM
By Briley Lewis (Theta Psi, Columbia University)
t sinycos X (Ln(x)) = X a sin d 0 5
3+2i = xn Sin A a sinB e'"+1=0
V x2+a2 = Ln
Xx + X
f(xn-s)Ax) XE(-00;-2) (e*)'=e*
Lim sin x
X-O X =1 AM
(a, az JQ- 62, C2
eix=cosx+isinx Sx
sin x
sin.x=Im[e x]
cosh(x)=e*+e- = 2
alm, 4(m) III (mod m) log(ab)=1
Log a
X.=1.2...'X 1331 121
lim (1+4)-e
anb=0 15101051
1 6 15 20 1561
cos d n X,+X2...Xn
f (a)
n! (x-a)"
Career Outlook
Imagine your job is to
create systems that allow new human spaceflight missions
to dock with the International Space Station. You're on a
phone call with a vendor who you need to manufacture
a certain mechanical part for your project. Upon hearing
your feminine voice, they say, "Let's wait until your
engineer gets on the phone to get started." Although this
sounds like an old-fashioned anecdote, women, such as
Caitlin Mackey Driscoll (Theta Omicron, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology), the SpaceX aerospace engineer
in this scenario, are still routinely underestimated and
underrepresented in science.
According to statistics from UNESCO, only 28.8% of the world's scientific
researchers are women. In these fields that were traditionally dominated by men
(and still often are), women are often undervalued and even sometimes belittled.
Although the situation is less bleak in the biological sciences than in physical
sciences and technology, it isn't uncommon for women, especially women of color
and LGBTQ women, to face discrimination or feel isolated in a STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) major or career. It takes determination to persist
through these challenges, and often, each of these marginalized scientists has a
cohort of supportive colleagues - and sisters - that she relies on for support.
In Alpha Chi Omega, we have many sisters in STEM, who have found both
support and applicable skills in their sorority experience. Contrary to the pervasive
stereotypes about fraternity/sorority life, sorority experiences, in collegiate life and
beyond, can be incredibly valuable to STEM careers. As Jennifer Sue Butler Harris
(Theta Lambda, Clemson University) says, "People always have a look of surprise
when they find out I am a sorority woman and a soil scientist; I like bending and
opening minds."
Planning activities and cooperating with an entire chapter of women helps
build leadership, social skills and communication skills - all highly relevant to a
science career - and gives women networks and support systems both in and out
of their fields.
In a modern STEM career, a scientist must work collaboratively with a team to
accomplish their goals, present their results to other scientists and communicate
them to public audiences, lead and manage project teams, and more. These
professional development skills - project management, public speaking, teamwork
- are rarely explicitly taught in scientific training or coursework, especially in
academia. Through the various leadership opportunities in Alpha Chi, these skills
can be practiced; we have leaders trained in our executive boards and committees,
we have cooperation skills tested as many diverse sisters work toward a common
38 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
goal, and we have communication skills honed as our
chapters discuss various perspectives and aspirations.
Jamie Moroco (Kappa Nu, Carnegie Mellon University),
and academic
research scientist at the Broad Institute, recalls experiences
excellence are
that incorporated these career skills from her collegiate
experience, saying, "Working on a team in science can be a
celebrated and
lot like working on things in the house, like Greek Sing or
other chapter activities. There are different people in charge
expected in
of each aspect of the activity, and they all have to come
Alpha Chi Omega."
together to make it work in the end."
Networking, although often thought of as something
for politicians or business majors, is also a key tactic for
success in STEM. Who you know often opens doors in
sorority life, such as friends outside your field of study,
your career, such as with cancer geneticist Amy Biery Kunz
mentorship, personal enrichment, motivation, study buddies
(Delta, Allegheny College), who explains, "When you have
and inspiration. Kathryn Diebler (Theta Lambda, Clemson
a connection through your chapter, there is this immediate
University), principal scientist in flavor technology at Pfizer
openness to sharing expertise and guidance when it comes to
Consumer Healthcare, even credits her Alpha Chi experience
exploring your calling in life."
with teaching her the importance of work-life balance, saying
Personal development and academic excellence are
that "Alpha Chi Omega helped me see that it was possible to be
celebrated and expected in Alpha Chi Omega, and we have
social and be a scientist."
many real, strong women to be proud of. Most importantly,
Our sisterhood of women in STEM spans all disciplines
however, the core of our sorority experience is our supportive
and career stages. We have engineers building everything
sisterhood, something that not only motivates us to improve
from spacecraft (Caitlin Mackey Driscoll) to nanostructures
ourselves as individuals, but also provides a community to
made of DNA (Chava Angell) to packaging for Nissan trucks
rely on and adds joy to our lives.
(Lauren McDonald). We have sisters in science, searching
Chava Angell (Kappa Nu, Carnegie Mellon University),
for planets around other stars (the author, Briley Lewis) and
a Ph.D. candidate at University of California, San Diego
protecting wetlands here on Earth (Jennifer Sue Butler Harris).
in nanoengineering, recognizes the importance of this
We have doctors, pharmaceutical scientists and medical
community, thanking "my family, my friends and of course
researchers, finding genetic risk factors for cancer (Amy Biery
my Alpha Chi Omega sisters. I had many nights crying on
Kunz,), making medicines more palatable (Kathryn Diebler),
the first floor of the house to sisters, having them calm me
using biochemistry to discover new drugs (Jamie Moroco),
down and help me think rationally and positively, or helping
and leading cancer research groups and teaching the next
me with homework that I didn't understand at all."
generations of scientists (Carol Lutz, Epsilon Chi, University of
Scientific degrees are incredibly rigorous and have an
North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
added challenge of being male-dominated. Having a support
Life as an Alpha Chi Omega, from collegiate years and
network of women who understand your struggle to weather
beyond, has benefits to all careers including those in STEM,
these challenges is valuable. Lauren McDonald (Theta
and can be a great source of support for women going into
Lambda, Clemson University) captures this spirit, recounting
science. Our sisters are real, strong women that are constantly
how "we encouraged others to succeed in their majors and
working to realize this ideal and make science a more
to stick with it, no matter how difficult it was. Even when
welcoming and inclusive place for all, while also constantly
the going got tough, we knew we had a circle of everlasting
working to change the world with their research and scientific
support encountering the same obstacles. It was important
to me to carry this kind of support out after graduation and
As well-stated by Mackey Driscoll, "Though we have a
into my career so that other women have female role models
long way to go towards total equity, we have come a long
and peers who understand their experiences and challenges
way; through women's continued success in the field, we will
in the stereotypical image of the male-dominated STEM
continue to open doors for the next generation to come."
professional field."
Let us recognize the extraordinary challenges faced by those
In addition to providing a support network, there
in STEM, continue to support all our sisters and celebrate their
are numerous other personal benefits that come from
The Lyre Il 39
Be Her
spaces on campuses. Five million women
Panhellenic, as well as supporting the
effecting change in their communities.
other sororities at your school. For
"I think it's important, especially
alumnae members, find out if your city
today, for women to belong to
has an alumnae Panhellenic community;
something, and something that strives
this can be an opportunity to network
to be positive and values-driven," says
and share about your Alpha Chi Omega
What It
Nicki Meneley (Alpha Beta, Purdue
University). Meneley is the chief
Be proud of your sorority
executive officer for the Fraternity
involvement and share it with your
Executives Association, which provides
networks. Leadership, interpersonal
support for fraternity staff members and
skills and teamwork are just some of
the fraternal movement as a whole; she
the skills developed in a sorority that
The importance
also worked as NPC's executive director.
deserve a place on resumes.
"Being in a Panhellenic community
"Our organizations were founded
of being a
shows you that while we are all different,
because women needed a support
there can be a thread of commonality, a
system when the academic institution
source of connectedness," she adds.
wasn't providing one," Meneley explains.
This connectendess is more
"Now is our chance to rise up and prove
important than ever. From the Stand
the benefit of sororities and use our
Up to Harvard campaign to university
collective power as the largest women's
By Lauren Filippini (Alpha Chi, Butler
sanctions on fraternity/sorority life,
organizations on campus for good to
University), Editor
the sorority industry is fighting for its
benefit students and our communities."
place. And risk management issues are
We're proud to be Alpha Chi Omegas.
a reality of our organizations that we
We're proud to wear the lyre badge,
must continue to address. When one of
We share more than NPC
to work toward an end to domestic
us falls, the entire sorority brand takes a
membership with other sororities.
violence, to know and love our beautiful
Here's what we have in common
hit. We have work to do, to build up the
- and how we make those things
sorority experience.
Being Alpha Chi Omegas also makes
"We have got to start taking care
us part of a larger legacy. When we
Zeta Tau Alpha shares our founding
of each other and getting back to the
date of October 15 - just 13 years later
were initiated, we entered not just into
organizations we were founded to be,"
in 1898.
the bonds of this sisterhood, but into a
Meneley says.
Chi Omega members also share a
connection with the millions of other
How can you support the sorority
women who are part of the sorority
Along with the color buff,
First, try learning about the 25 other
Alpha Gamma Delta's colors of red
While diverse in its membership,
organizations that make up the NPC
and green fit nicely in a palette next to
traditions and causes, each of the
our olive and scarlet.
both their similarities and the things
26 member groups of the National
that set them apart from Alpha Chi
DePauw University is also the founding
Panhellenic Conference is committed to
institution for Kappa Alpha Theta.
Omega. Start with the short list on this
the same vision of the NPC - advancing
Four other sororities call the carnation
page, followed by the NPC Manual of
the sorority experience together.
their flower, though in different colors
- white for Pi Beta Phi and Chi
And we are better together. Across
Getting involved in the Panhellenic
Omega, rose-colored for Phi Mu and
the NPC, there are nearly 5 million
community is a great way to see the
pink for Gamma Phi Beta.
sorority women. That's 5 million women
breadth of the sorority experience. For
The Delta Zeta new member pin is
making women's voices heard and
collegiate sisters, this means attending
a diamond shape, though the black
known. Five million women fighting for
events and meetings of your campus
coloring and Roman lamp symbol set
it apart from ours.
40 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
of Distinction.
in four years with both her bachelor's
and master's degrees and then continued
on to earn her doctorate degree from the
University of South Carolina by age 29.
For several decades following,
Phillips set her professional goals on the
education industry, in both the public
and private sector. This included 30
years as the owner and operator of a
private educational therapy clinic, which
Alpha Pi
is still thriving today.
However, less than a decade ago,
(University of
Phillips decided it was time to take her
North Dakota)
love of cooking and turn it into a career.
She launched her personal influencer
ar seats, bike helmets,
brand; created her website, allyskitchen.
fire prevention, water
com; and amassed 750,000 followers
safety training - there
on her social media (check out Ally's
Kitchen Bohemian Bold on Facebook
are SO many ways
parents can keep their children
and @allyskitchen on Instagram).
safe, and Carma Hanson is working
She quickly became a sought-after
to provide that education. A NICU
influencer and has partnered with such
nurse by trade, Hanson is the
recognizable brands as Dole Packaged
coordinator for Safe Kids Grand
Foods and True Aussie Beef and Lamb to
Alice D'Antoni
Forks, a coalition with the mission
promote their products. She recently was
of preventing unintentional injuries
chosen by GE Appliances as its official
"Great American Grandma" for the way
she has made food a part of her family's
Gamma Omicron
traditions; she'll continue as a brand
ambassador for the company this year.
(Marshall University)
Phillips has showcased her cooking
skills on Food Network and Hallmark
lice D'Antoni Phillips has a
Julie A.
Channel's Home and Family TV as one
motto that sums up her life's
of America's Best Home Cooks. For the
trajectory: "Dreams have no
past four years, she has demonstrated
expiration date." She spent
recipes as a celebrity chef at the Rose
Gamma Xi
most of her professional life in public
Parade's "Live on Green" Culinary Cues
and private education before reinventing
stage. She shares her own recipes on
(Western Michigan
herself and turning her passion into a
her website and in her cookbook Ally's
new career.
Kitchen: A Passport for Adventurous
First was a stop at Marshall
Palates. Her digital magazine, Ally's Boho
University, where Phillips traveled
Living, includes recipes, stories from
ulie A. Williamson has
from her coal-mining hometown to the
Appalachia and lifestyle articles.
Gamma Omicron chapter.
dedicated her career to
Years of success in multiple fields - SO
advocating for the elderly
"That was where I met aspiring and
what does Phillips view as her greatest?
and those with special
vivacious young women my age and
The answer is easy: "My greatest
needs. First inspired by her older
older who were dreaming and dreaming
accomplishment in life is my family," she
brother, who has autism, to become
big," she explains. "These women ignited
says. "[My three sons] are all gainfully
a lawyer, the biggest push to direct
in me the possibilities that lay ahead in
employed and contributing citizens to
her professional path came after
the big world out there."
our great nation. Each is a wonderful
adopting her youngest daughter,
This supportive environment pushed
husband and daddy himself Yes,
who has special needs.
Phillips to excellence, as she graduated
work has been my most important."
With her law degree from
42 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
little we could not accomplish."
Teamwork would continue to be
instrumental as Hanson embarked on
a huge project. Due to not having a
children's hospital, her community is
not a fit for a Ronald McDonald House;
however, Hanson saw the need for a
similar facility for patients and family
members to stay while seeking medical
care. She shared her vision, advocated
and death to children. She has led the
job better."
for the need and raised the significant
organization to be ranked in the top 10
This team-focused mindset was a
funds to make the facility a reality. The
of the 440 US coalitions.
lesson from Hanson's collegiate years
Sunshine Hospitality Home opened in
summer 2018.
"That success comes not from just
with the Alpha Pi chapter.
my leadership," she explains, "but from
"My time at Alpha Chi Omega
"I have had the rich privilege of
surrounding myself with people who
serving on a foundation board that set
taught me to work together as a team
share my passion and give of their time
out to design, fundraise for and build
and to cherish the different gifts,
and talents to work toward our mission
talents and perspectives that others
this 'place of my dreams, and what a joy
of reducing preventable injuries and
bring to the table," she says. "I was
to see it come to reality," Hanson says.
deaths to children, and from working
shown that when those talents are
"My work has been about making our
hard to continually learn how to do my
world a better place, and for that I am
combined in a team effort, there was
Rutgers University School of Law, she is
her first job, and even met her husband
now managing partner at her own law
through a sister.
firm, Williamson & Petruzziello, LLC,
"Alpha Chi Omega gave me
where she focuses on wills and estate
confidence, purely and simply," she says.
planning, elder law, guardianship, and
This confidence has allowed
representation of clients with special
Williamson to pursue her advocacy. She
needs. This move was thanks to support
is frequently appointed by the courts
from her family and her Alpha Chi
of New Jersey to represent individuals
Omega sisters.
in guardianship matters and to secure
"I wanted to open my own firm but
governmental benefits for them. She is
was concerned about the challenges this
also a founding board member of JEVS
presented," Williamson says. "My sisters
Independence Network, which empowers
in various disciplines helped me analyze
and supports young adults with disabilities
the challenges and plan for the future."
to live independent lives through
Alpha Chi Omegas have played a role
housing, job training and programs. She
in all areas of Williamson's life - as she
is a committed volunteer with the Jacobs
became a leader alongside the women
Chapel Colemantown Foundation, helping
of Gamma Xi chapter, learned financial
preserve two stops on the Underground
skills as treasurer for the Beta Epsilon
Railroad, and she has been awarded two
(Michigan State University) chapter after
national leadership awards through the
transferring that became applicable in
Girl Scouts.
Alpha Chi
Omega has
to be a
influence on
my life post-
In her role, Robinson is
responsible for leading a university/
community economic development
partnership. She recruits or
expands businesses to the
Manhattan, Kansas area that have
a partnership with the university.
So far, she has brought 18
technology-based companies to the
Rebecca Ann
region, creating 500 new jobs and
Kristin Long, MD
providing a projected economic
impact of $77 million.
lota Sigma
Her success in this role has
Gamma Zeta
taken her across the globe to
(Southern Methodis
present at conferences. She is also
(Kansas State
pursing her doctorate in leadership
communication at Kansas State as
part of the program's initial cohort.
n a field long dominated by men,
Amid this work, she has found
Kristin Long, MD is proving she
he skills that Rebecca Ann
time to give back to Alpha Chi
can make a difference in the lives
Robinson learned from
Omega, as an advisor and then later
of patients. She is an endocrine
advising the Gamma Zeta
helping to establish and lead the
surgeon with University of Wisconsin
chapter - mentoring,
Rho Tau Rho (Manhattan, Kansas)
Health, where she focuses on treating
handling difficult situations,
alumnae chapter, a process she calls
and removing cancer of the thyroid
and encouraging others while
"fun, challenging and rewarding."
gland. She is also an assistant professor
holding them accountable - are
"In my adult life, I always
at the UW School of Medicine and
helping her today as the director
felt like I was giving back to the
Public Health in the department of
of economic development at the
sisterhood that was SO formative
surgery, researching the disease and its
Kansas State University Institute for
during my collegiate days," she
treatment options.
says. "But now I realize that over
"Working in a field of medicine
"Alpha Chi Omega has continued
the last 14 years, Alpha Chi Omega
that has traditionally been very male-
to be a transformative influence on
has continued to help me become a
dominated, I spend a fair amount of
my life post-graduation," she says.
real, strong woman!"
time simply explaining that I actually a
44 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
her life as bullets rained down from a
to ask her to join a rally in Las Vegas.
gunman shooting at the crowd from
"I brought my voice to the stage and
(Dobyns) Wellek
the Mandalay Bay hotel. Wellek escaped
gave a speech that reflected not just my
with no physical injuries and shared that
own thoughts but those of thousands
lota Nu
she was safe on Facebook.
across our nation," Wellek explains. "It
(University of
"The first phone call I got was
was the first time I could see just how
from my Alpha Chi Omega sister," she
many people I was helping. There was a
California, San
recalls. "She is a licensed therapist and
crowd of people standing in front of me
was immediately prepared to help me
who felt powerless up until that moment.
manage the PTSD I didn't even know
To this day it has been the most
I had. Over the next few months she
profound accomplishment of my life."
was there - texting me with check-ins,
Since then, Wellek has continued
he strongest relationships
asking me how each day was going,
her advocacy efforts. She joined
I have are those that I
spending hours on the phone helping
TOMS Shoes as a spokesperson for the
made with my sisters,"
me understand that what I was going
#EndGunViolenceTogether movement,
Stephanie (Dobyns)
through was normal."
watched the Bipartisan Background
Wellek says. "They are my best friends;
With the help of her sisters, Wellek
Checks Act pass in the House of
they are my family. It's because of them
was able to move forward. What also
Representatives this year and encouraged
that I was able to survive one of the most
helped was her decision to begin
youth to vote.
tragic days of my life."
advocating for gun safety. After the
"None of this could even be possible
On October 1, 2017, Wellek was
school shooting in Parkland, Florida
without my Alpha Chi Omega sisters,"
enjoying the music at the Route 91
four months after Route 91, the students,
she says. "They are my strength, and
Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. But just
who had formed the March for Our
they have all been there through all of
after 10 p.m., she was running for
Lives movement, reached out to Wellek
this, cheering me along."
the surgeon, and yes, I will be the one
doing your operation," she explains.
In addition to supporting the patients
that come to her for treatment, Long
travels to remote regions across the
world to provide surgery.
"I am beyond privileged to do the
work I do, and the joy of my life thus far
has been bringing desperately needed
surgical care to some of the most remote
parts of sub-Saharan Africa," she says.
"With every trip, I am reminded of how
extraordinarily fortunate we are here
and of the potential we have to improve
conditions across the world."
Long credits her Alpha Chi Omega
sisters from her college and alumnae
years for supporting and nurturing her
long-standing reason for my success,"
becoming a surgeon.
success in medicine and her mission of
she says.
"In a career path that has taken
providing care around the world.
Volunteering with the Kappa
me across the country multiple times,
"From my collegiate sisterhood
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
required decades of post-graduate
to a medical school scholarship from
chapter has allowed Long to provide
training and is a notoriously challenging
Alpha Chi Omega to my reconnection
mentorship to women pursuing similar
experience, Alpha Chi Omega has served
with sisters fighting similar battles,
careers as she repays the friendship
as a respite and a reminder of my close
Alpha Chi Omega has been a direct and
of sisters throughout her journey to
network of sisters," she says.
The Lyre Il 45
and a career. She is the assistant director
Viancca Burger
of fraternity and sorority life at the
University of South Florida.
A first-generation college student
Gamma Pi
who emigrated as a child from
Puerto Rico without knowing any
(University of
English, Williams is now working
on her doctorate in higher education
administration. In her 11th year in
an industry with high burnout, her
dissertation focuses on strategies to
o say that Alpha Chi Omega
retain professionals in campus-based
has had an impact on Viancca
fraternity/sorority advisor positions.
Burger Williams' life is an
While USF does not have an
Alpha Chi Omega chapter, Williams is
"I consider Alpha Chi Omega to be
committed to supporting the fraternity/
one of the most instrumental pieces
sorority community on campus and
of my life as it relates to my ongoing
encourages each student to find personal
growth, development and the career path
success. She extends her commitment
I have decided to take," she says.
to the entire fraternity/sorority industry,
From Alpha Chi, Williams gained
volunteering for the Association of
friendships, core values, commitment -
Fraternity/Sorority Advisors and
Amy Kates
as a founding partner of Kates Kesler
Organization Consulting, named by
Zeta Phi
Forbes as one of the best consulting
firms in the country. She travels the
(Cornell University)
globe helping company management
teams on organization redesign
projects - evaluating organizational
my Kates credits her
challenges, redefining processes
Alpha Chi Omega experience
and building leadership skills. The
as a contributing factor in
approaches and tools that she and
her professional success.
her partners have developed have
A founding member of the Zeta Phi
become standards in internal design
chapter, she gained skills that she now
teaches in her consulting career.
Kates, who holds a master's degree
"I learned how to plan and execute
from Cornell, was recently appointed
projects and mobilize and motivate
Visiting Fellow to the government of
others," she explains. "I learned about
Singapore through 2020, facilitating as
leading an organization, how to conduct
the government's ministries chart the
meetings, the challenge of group
country's future. She has published four
decision-making, and how to structure
of the best-selling books in the field of
work and teams effectively."
organization design and also created
Kates has taken these lessons forward
a video series on the same topic for
LinkedIn Learning.
46 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
facilitating at national conferences,
such as the Undergraduate
Interfraternity Institute.
"I consistently find myself
having to learn new information,
reinvent my work and advocate on
behalf of the fraternal experience to
individuals who do not understand
its relevance and need within college
communities," she explains.
Whether presenting at a session
or advising the Panhellenic Council
at USF, Williams encourages
undergraduate members to live out
their organizations' rituals in all their
decisions, as she does herself.
She explains, "Alpha Chi Omega's
Christy Weber
Ritual and values continue to be a
solid foundation for how I carry
Delta Chi
myself daily; in how I interact with
others; and in how I approach my
(William Woods University)
hopes, dreams and goals."
eing a bit entrepreneurial,
on the executive board of the Board
I have done many things
of Directors of her local Chamber of
that would be considered
Commerce, and volunteers with several
by the mainstream as
other nonprofits. She has learned that,
An advocate of the sorority
'successful," Christy Weber says. "But I
by partnering with other local nonprofits
experience, Kates explains, "The
measure success in a different way - by
and sharing resources, she can create
confidence, leadership skills and
how many lives I have touched and how
programs and change that help more
network that I gained laid the
I have impacted someone else's life in a
foundation for my subsequent growth
positive way."
"Through these boards, I have been
and development."
Weber is the founder of two
able to both learn from others and teach
From her Alpha Chi Omega
nonprofit organizations, Guatemala
others about ways to serve different
membership, she learned the power
Outreach and Shoes & Hope (soon to
people groups through nonprofits
of philanthropy and mentorship.
be merging together as Shoes & Hope).
without causing more harm than good
She sits on the board of Educate!,
With the mission to address clean water,
and avoiding unintended consequences,"
a nonprofit dedicated to secondary
sanitation and hygiene in developing
she says.
school curriculum reform in east
countries, Shoes & Hope focuses on
The leadership and passion that
Africa, and she is an active mentor.
building relationships and working
Weber exhibits is inspired from her
She sees the value that sororities,
alongside the local population to create
collegiate Alpha Chi Omega experience.
particularly Alpha Chi Omega, can
sustainable change.
"I didn't realize it then, but those
"My greatest accomplishment is
years laid the groundwork for the
Kates says, "I continue to stay
recognizing that success doesn't have to
future," she says. "When starting
engaged with Alpha Chi Omega
equate with money and power," Weber
college, I was extremely shy and quiet.
because I believe that it can be a
explains. "Success can be something
By the end of college and my years as a
vehicle that positively influences
as simple as loving others and helping
collegiate Alpha Chi, I had developed
young women in this generation as it
more confidence in myself and was
was for me."
Weber, who has performed mission
encouraged that anything was possible."
work in seven countries, also serves
The Lyre Il 47
Lisa A. Pollina
Gamma Xi
(Western Michigan University)
egotiating more than
to build positive consensus amongst
$50 billion in corporate
diverse stakeholders," she explains.
development deals
Her involvement continued
throughout her career, Lisa
throughout her alumnae years, leading
I'm proud of
A. Pollina is a business executive who
her to become chapter president of
serves on the Senior Advisory Board
Alpha Alpha (Chicago, Illinois) and
my successes
for Oliver Wyman, advises the Board
being awarded Alpha Chi Omega's
of Directors of Northwestern Mutual
and even
Outstanding Young Alumna Award in
and provides private equity advisory
for Ares. She has been named one of
Holding an MBA from Yale School
prouder of
the Top 25 Most Powerful Women in
of Management, Pollina has taught
Finance by American Banker magazine,
strategy at Yale University and corporate
being an
with a resume that includes some of the
finance at the University of Chicago. She
Alpha Chi
world's most recognizable banks and
is currently an appointee to the Federal
financial firms.
Reserve Bank of the United States'
"I'm proud of my successes and even
Working Group on Global Markets
prouder of being an Alpha Chi Omega,"
and is a regular attendee at the World
Pollina says.
Economic Forum in Switzerland. During
In addition to gaining lifelong
the presidency of George W. Bush,
friends, her collegiate Alpha Chi
Pollina represented the U.S. at NATO-
experience included chapter and campus
related meetings throughout the world.
Panhellenic leadership positions that set
With such a varied, expansive career,
her up for career success.
one thing remains the same, according
"These leadership roles furthered
to Pollina:
my knowledge about structuring new
"Alpha Chi Omega has been an
organizations, dealing with corporate
'extracurricular constant' in my life, as I
hierarchies and, most importantly, how
continually strive upward."
48 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
His Side of the Story
Home Is Where the Heart Is
By Bob Nichols, Associate Director for Facilities
Omega soon after arriving at Maryland
and Operations, University of Maryland
in 2004 to help revive housing operations:
Barb Bridges (Alpha Mu, Indiana
Several years ago, just as summer
University, director of housing at the
break was starting, I was walking around
time) and Beverly Bradley (Gamma Mu,
and inspecting all of the fraternity and
Ball State University, housing coordinator
sorority houses at the University of
at the time). They were SO committed to
Maryland. We were in the transition from
the living and learning environments of
the end of the spring semester to the
the undergraduate members of Alpha Chi
summer term when most of our chapters
Omega. When the university was able
share their houses with summer groups
to plan a $5 million renovation of the
and conferences.
Alpha Chi Omega house, Barb and
As I walked by the Alpha Chi Omega
Bev worked tirelessly with the National
house [the Gamma Theta chapter], I
Housing Corporation to ensure that the
noticed four women, professionally
house would reflect the very best and
dressed, posing for pictures. When I
highest expectations of the sorority. They
asked if I could take a picture for them,
door, I saw a noticeable change in their
served as yet another example to the
they happily agreed. They said they were
demeanor and energy. Before I knew it,
undergraduates at that time of the truly
alumnae from the 1970s and were all in
they were running through the house,
lifelong journey they were on.
town at the same time for a conference.
taking pictures, reminiscing about events
I am thankful whenever I work
I introduced myself and asked if they
and conversations that had happened in
with our Alpha Chi Omega chapter
would like to see inside the house. They
various rooms and at various times when
to know that there are alumnae and
enthusiastically agreed, as none of them
they all lived in the house. They were
officers who still believe in the core
had seen it since the early 1980s, long
animated and laughing as though they
founding principles of the organization.
before it had been renovated in 2008.
were transported back to the days when
Their examples (and we can never have
Once they stepped through the front
they lived there with their sisters, starting
enough of those examples coming back
that next journey in life.
to visit!) are key to making sure that this
That afternoon was another reminder
experience will continue to contribute to
to me of the power fraternities and
the development of strong young women
Those sisters
sororities have to be transformative and
in the years to come. I hope in 20 years
had been bound
life changing. Those sisters had been
some of our current undergraduate sisters
bound together by their common oath
will come back and reminisce about the
together by their
and experience, and the evidence of their
life-changing times they had together in
lifelong friendship was plain to see in
common oath and
their house. Hopefully someone will be
their stories and interactions that day.
there to take their picture!
experience, and the
They are an example of why I have never
once regretted leaving the corporate
Nichols has been at the University of
evidence of their
world to work for the continued
Maryland since 2004. Prior to that he
development and improvement of
lifelong friendship
was an architect in the private sector,
fraternity and sorority life.
specializing in university housing and
was plain to see
I am fortunate in my role to work
campus planning. He attended Georgia
with many outstanding alumni housing
in their stories and
Tech and later at Mercer University
corporations. I particularly remember
became a proud member of Alpha Tau
interactions that day."
meeting two other outstanding women
who lived out the values of Alpha Chi
The Lyre Il 49
Accomplished Alumnae
Get to know these sisters who are involved in different areas of the entertainment
industry - from reality television to designing to television writing.
By Lauren Filippini (Alpha Chi, Butler University), Editor
Not Afraid
During preference round of
recruitment her freshman year of
college, Whitney Hamblin first heard the
concept of "real, strong women."
"As soon as I left the room, I said,
'That's it. That's the message I want
to share with other women who don't
see that in themselves," says Hamblin
(Gamma Mu, Ball State University), who
served as Panhellenic delegate and later
as campus Panhellenic president.
Her adventures in the outdoors
demonstrate that Alpha Chi Omega
tagline, from hiking the full Appalachian
Trail to surviving all 21 days on
Discovery Channel's Naked and Afraid.
"For me, it's about the unknown,"
she explains. "Every time you go [to the
woods], it's going to be a little different."
In March 2016, Hamblin departed
from Springer Mountains, Georgia,
childhood, she also gained a new respect
then must survive for three weeks. When
for what would be a six-month hike.
for the world around her.
she was first contacted about applying,
America's longest hiking path, the
"I got a deeper appreciation for
Hamblin thought it was a joke. But she
Appalachian Trail covers more than
Mother Nature," Hamblin notes. "She
was intrigued by the unique way to test
2,000 miles. Hamblin was attempting
is not to be trifled with. You're just a
a thru-hike, which means completing
small piece in the puzzle. It was really
"It was this idea of creating a
the trail in one shot, walking 20 miles
challenge that I wouldn't be able to
each day carrying all you need in
In September, Hamblin summited
recreate myself," she recalls of her
your backpack. The Appalachian Trail
Mount Katahdin in Maine and
rationale to move forward with the
Conservancy estimates that only 20
completed her thru-hike "in awe of
interviews. In May 2018, she flew out to
percent of hikers finish the full trail.
myself and the other hikers completing
Brazil to begin her adventure.
Along with pushing her body
their hike."
She explains that the show's
to its max and living out of her
She impressed not only herself but
requirement of being naked wasn't a
backpack, Hamblin learned the spirit
also the production staff of Naked and
concern for her.
of community and sharing that the trail
Afraid, Discovery's hit survival show.
"I met my partner naked and 10 other
inspires, bartering snacks for toilet paper
One woman and one man are sent out
people on the other side of the camera
and providing encouragement to other
to a remote location, stripped of all
in that moment, you're SO overwhelmed
hikers. A lover of the outdoors from
clothes and all but one tool each, and
with meeting the partner and about
50 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Accomplished Alumnae
starting what could be the hardest thing
you ever do. Your mind immediately
goes to survival," she explains.
While she felt prepared in terms
of her survival skills, she says her 21
days were "100% harder" than she
expected. The pair quickly secured the
all-important food, water and shelter, but
the experience took its toll. Along with
hunger and intense sleep deprivation,
Hamblin says that the hardest part was
the nonstop onslaught of bugs.
"It sounds like they're in your brain,
and there's no getting away from them,"
she explains. "You can get reprieve in the
water, but you can't linger on the shore
because of the stingray and the caiman
of editing down 21 days of content to a
together," she says. "This is the story they
and the anaconda. My skin looks like
42-minute show. However, she says her
told, but I know what really happened.
a dart board that's been in a bar for 30
portrayal as a woman who needs a man
Just because America didn't get to see
years. The scars will be there forever."
to pull her to finish line isn't accurate.
them doesn't mean they didn't happen."
Hamblin and her partner survived
She points to her essential contributions
And holding on to those experiences
all 21 days, making it to the show's
of fish traps, woven mats, cordage for a
and her hard work are what will propel
extraction point.
bow and arrow, and most essentially, the
Hamblin into new journeys. She plans
"This type of accomplishment can
shared work building the underground
to make solo hikes and hopes to make
never be taken from you," she says.
shelter that ultimately saved the pair
another long thru-hike in next few years.
Hamblin holds on to this feeling
from hypothermia during a storm.
Because for a woman who finds that
amid her dissatisfaction toward the way
"I was a little bit let down with some
"the best way for me to recharge is to
her experience was portrayed in her
of what they chose to tell versus the
go to the woods," it's certain that a new
episode. She acknowledges the difficulty
great things I knew we were able to do
adventure is just on the horizon.
A Gown for the Grammys
The go-to sister for chapter swag
The Kansas City arts scene opened
provided her thoughts on silhouette
during her collegiate years, Sarah
doors for Nelsen. She had worked with
and style, along with a suggestion of
Nelsen (Phi, University of Kansas) has
local female folk-pop group Olivia Fox
including feathers.
come a long way from T-shirt designs.
on an album photoshoot, and one of the
"She knew she wanted to be elegant
Contemporary blues singer Danielle
members passed along Nelsen's name to
and classy, with a little bit of rock and
Nicole wore a dress designed and
Danielle Nicole, also from Kansas City,
roll," Nelsen explains. "I went with
created by Nelsen for this year's Grammy
who had been nominated for a Grammy
that and put my design sense with her
Awards show.
in December 2018.
Nelsen, who graduated with a degree
"I was very honored that she got in
Following were three fittings, the final
in graphic design, explains that design
touch with me and wanted to represent
occurring the day before Danielle Nicole
has been a lifelong passion. She started
another artist from Kansas City," Nelsen
traveled to LA for the awards show. And
in fashion while helping with costume
then Nelsen watched her dress on the
design for Kansas City performing arts
The designer and the singer met in
red carpet.
January 2019, when Danielle Nicole
"It was very surreal," Nelsen says.
The Lyre Il 51
Accomplished Alumnae
"It's a definite honor for me. My number
Sarah Nelsen in her studio, photographed by Heather Morrow.
one concern is to make something
amazing for my clients, and yes, it's at
the Grammys, but I would do the same
for anyone, regardless of where they're
wearing it."
Nelsen continues to work on custom
design projects and has a goal of getting
some of her designs produced; she
currently designs, cuts and sews all her
own pieces. Her advice for aspiring
designers - which she follows herself - is
to be open to new opportunities and to
keep networking. Networking in Kansas
City has served her well SO far, and she
looks to the larger Alpha Chi Omega
network for the future.
"Being immersed in strong female
friendship is SO impactful," she says of
her collegiate experience. "I still keep
connected to many of the women. And
you never know, down the road those
connections could come back and help
you out."
See more of Nelsen's work at or @sarahnelsen on
Danielle Nicole with Brandon Miller at the Grammys
52 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Accomplished Alumnae
From Science to Scripts
Trading in test tubes and microscopes
aspect of the show, the camaraderie of
for a pen and paper, Teresa Huang
members of the military.
(Theta Omicron, Massachusetts Institute
Huang, who points out that she is
of Technology) is a writer behind
one of three women and one of two
episodes of CBS's hit show SEAL Team.
writers of color on the team, praises the
But her journey to the writers' room
collaborative nature of television writing.
wasn't a straight shot.
This collaboration is something she first
Having recently graduated with
learned at the Theta Omicron chapter.
degrees in chemistry and sociology
"Being in a sisterhood has taught me
of science, Huang was at work in the
that when you bring your hearts and
booming dot-com industry when a
minds together, anything is possible," she
friend asked her to audition for his one-
says. "I saw firsthand at MIT what our
act undergraduate play.
sorority could make happen when we
"He told me to bring my resume,
worked collaboratively."
and SO not knowing what that meant
Her Alpha Chi Omega experience
in entertainment, I brought my resume
also inspired her to continue her
with all my classes and internships,"
involvement with domestic violence
Huang recalls.
awareness. She volunteers on the board
She ended up with the lead role,
of Break the Cycle, a nonprofit dedicated
and what followed were eight more
to educating and empowering young
Huang on the set of SEAL Team, sporting a hat
undergraduate plays and additional
people to recognize the signs of dating
with the Bravo logo of the fictional military team
productions around the Boston
abuse and create healthy relationships.
community where she lived. A passion
"Through working with Break the
was born.
Cycle, I see that these issues can and
"But eventually I realized there
do affect everyone," she says. "I've
were not a lot of roles for me as an
continued to take that experience from
Asian American on stage," Huang says.
Alpha Chi Omega of seeing the power of
"It's Boston, they produce every Irish
bringing people together, and I use that
in everything I do with Break the Cycle
Knowing that television and film
to try to make a difference."
At Huang's first acting job in Hollywood
could advance her career, Huang made
It's an especially poignant message
on ER, she sought out fellow Alpha Chi
the move to Los Angeles and found her
during today's #MeT movement, a
Omega Laura Innes (Gamma, Northwestern
niche playing medical roles in shows like
pervasive part of the entertainment
University). She says ER star Innes put her
ER, Grey's Anatomy and Criminal Minds.
industry that Huang belongs to.
completely at ease. Their story later came full
But one more shift was at hand.
"I support people telling their stories
circle as Innes directed Huang in an episode
"Very soon into acting, I decided that
and being believed," she says. "The truth
of Grey's Anatomy.
rather than being an actor who brings
is always going to win out."
other people's stories to life, I wanted to
Huang says she learned
tell my own stories," she explains. "So I
determination and problem-solving from
to a larger world growing up in a
started writing."
MIT, which will continue to serve her
small town. "Through these fantastical
Ten years and 17 scripts later, Huang
in her volunteer efforts and her career.
environments, we can illuminate and
was hired onto the writing team of the
As of press time, Huang was waiting to
explore the aspects of our human
second season of SEAL Team. Huang
hear if SEAL Team would be renewed
experience. They are stories that hold
worked with 11 other writers in teams
for another season. In the meantime,
a mirror up to the lives we live and
of two to develop the stories, linking
though, Huang can think of her dream
can be that much more impactful in
past plots with where the show wanted
inspiring change and transformation.
to wrap at the end of the season.
"I want to create the next great
I'd love to create a show that can hold
She's learned to write military lingo,
sci-fi show," she says, explaining that
up that mirror - and be wildly fun and
explosions, shoot-outs and, her favorite
science fiction shows were a window
The Lyre Il 53
Chi Chi
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Have you ever thought about
what your chapter was doing
10, 20, 50 years ago? Have
Pittsburgh Nets $900 for Camperships
things changed? Are the same
traditions still in place? Taken
In 1966 Chi Chi, alumnae chapter of Pitts-
Chis and their guests could not help but enjoy
from previous Lyre magazines,
burgh, combined business with pleasure by
the rest of the afternoon which included a
the "Then and Now" series offers
staging a gala benefit at the St. Clair Country
fashion show featuring clothes from Peck and
Club. The important business of the day,
Peck with our own Alpha Chi models. Some of
a brief glimpse into what life
aside from having a good time, was to raise
the models were Mary Braglio Benson, Delta,
was like for Alpha Chi Omega
funds for Easter Seal Camperships. Festivi-
general chairman of the benefit, Lois Craw-
chapters throughout the decades.
ties included luncheon, fashion show, and
ford Murray, Lambda, fashion show chairman
bridge. Net proceeds topped $900.
and new president of Chi Chi, and Margaret
The high spot of the afternoon came when
Bailey Robinette, Alpha Sigma, province presi-
One of our earliest alumnae
the acting president of the Allegheny County
Easter Seal Society, Franklin C. Snyder, pre-
The remainder of the afternoon was spent
chapters, Chi Chi has been
sented a plaque to Chi Chi's president, Alice
on three additional features. One of these fea-
sharing the impact of Alpha Chi
Koklauner Demmler, Delta, for our support to
tures was the sale of raffle tickets. This was a
Easter Seal both in '66 and in years past.
Omega with the Pittsburgh
great success since the prizes included such
Through this presentation Easter Seal ex-
items as a week-end on the town with hotel
community since 1929. This
pressed appreciation to Chi Chi for the help of
accommodations, meals, and theater tickets;
article about the Chi Chi
our members as volunteer workers during
and silver coffee service. Prizes were either
fund drives, as well as for our own project to
donated by various Pittsburgh concerns or
fundraiser was from the spring
raise funds for camperships. Each campership
bought with trading stamps collected from Chi
1967 issue of The Lyre.
awarded enables one handicapped child from
Chi members. Chi Chi members also put their
the Pittsburgh area to attend the specially
talents of work by baking dozens of cookies
equipped camp maintained by the society.
for the mix-and-match cookie sale, and by
After such an inspiring presentation Alpha
making items for the boutique booth.
Seated from left are Lois Murray, fashion
show chairman: Mary Benson, general
chairman: Helen McLain, Delta, bou-
tique. Standing are Virginia Richard
Plavetich, Alpha Sigma and Beta Mu.
program: Patricia McCullough White,
Alpha Lambda, raffle: Edna Gardner Mc-
Cullough, Beta lota. table gifts and dec-
The Chi Chi Chapter Today
Today, the Chi Chi alumnae chapter is still
committed to friendship, leadership, learning and
service in the Pittsburgh area. Members of the
chapter represent 12 different collegiate chapters,
from as close as Carnegie Mellon University and
Allegheny College to as far away as University of
Washington and Boise State University. This year,
Chi Chi doubled the size of its executive board as
it gets ready to celebrate its 90th anniversary in
In addition to a wide variety of events, the
chapter executive board plans monthly happy hour
gatherings throughout Pittsburgh. In fact, they often
team up with local restaurants that donate a portion
Kappa Delta sororities to raise money for Dress
of their happy hour proceeds to the Women's Center
for Success, a worldwide nonprofit that empowers
and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh.
women to achieve economic independence by
The chapter also enjoys hosting parties for
providing professional attire and support. The
the women and children at the shelter. Members
Panhellenic sisters raised $310 and collected
typically decorate cookies, make crafts, play games
donations of professional clothing, then gathered
and even dance with the children living there. This
at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History for a
gives the mothers the chance to accomplish tasks
private tour highlighting women in science and
that are difficult to do while their children are
around or gives them a chance to join the party!
Having fun with their children is always a welcome
For more information about the chapter, visit their
distraction from the struggles they are facing.
website at or follow them on
Last year, Chi Chi teamed up with the local
Facebook at Alpha Chi Omega in Pittsburgh (https://
alumnae chapters of Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Volunteer Spotlight
Alicia Delaney (Delta Chi, William Woods University)
Risk management advisor and facilitator for the REPRESENT and InTune programs
My chapter received a program provided by the Fraternity, InTune, in my sophomore
year that changed my life. I walked out of that program knowing exactly what I wanted to
do with my career, and that was to help inspire women to live their best, most successful
lives through inspiring programming. I work for Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women
Headquarters as the program development manager and am doing exactly that! Alpha Chi
Omega showed me my passion, and Pi Beta Phi has helped it come true.
What do you do in your main volunteer
brought me to my passion and career
was now what I was able to present to
I'm lucky enough to support the VP
collegians that were just like me!
risk management at the Delta Chi
chapter and also serve as a facilitator for
Why should alumnae become volunteers
for Alpha Chi Omega?
the REPRESENT and InTune programs.
Alpha Chi Omega has brought women
In my role as the risk management
134 years of sisterhood, leadership and
advisor, I help brainstorm and problem
service. To ensure we have 134 more,
solve with my advisee. I also ensure the
we need volunteers who are dedicated
chapter is following the correct policies
to the success not only of our collegiate
when it comes to event planning. In my
chapters but of the organization as a
facilitator role, I travel once or twice a
semester to various campuses across
the United States to facilitate a program
than ever. In a society that wants to
What does it mean to be a Panhellenic
with the Alpha Chi Omega members on
continuously tell women, "You're not
that campus.
good enough," Alpha Chi Omega is
Being a Panhellenic woman means
here to remind you that you're a real,
being a supportive sister, no matter
How did you become involved as an
what badge you wear. Women
Alpha Chi Omega volunteer?
strong woman. I feel honored to help
I was an Alpha Chi Omega volunteer
support young women in becoming
supporting women is what sororities
confident, fearless leaders.
are all about, and if we can't stand
before I graduated! I started as a
behind each other, across organizations,
convention page at the 2012 National
What is your favorite Alpha Chi Omega
we've lost all sight of what our founders
Convention in St. Louis. This was
memory as a collegian?
originally built for us. I am incredibly
my first peek into Alpha Chi Omega
I had the opportunity to initiate my
lucky I get to work with Panhellenic
outside of the context of my small
mom as an alumna initiate into my
women every single day at work and in
chapter. This gave me the opportunity
chapter! It was very special to share
my volunteer roles!
to meet sisters from around the globe
initiation and my sisterhood with her.
and learn what lifelong commitment
She was able to understand why I love
really looked like! I then served as an
Alpha Chi Omega SO much!
For more information about
Alpha Chi Omega Foundation student
trustee, which later prepared me for my
What is your favorite Alpha Chi Omega
becoming a volunteer, visit the
first job after graduation!
memory as an alumna?
Alumnae page on the Alpha Chi
The first time I facilitated a program
Omega website and select
Why is volunteering with Alpha Chi
as an alumna to the Gamma Tau
"Volunteers" from the side menu.
Omega important to you?
(Oklahoma City University) chapter.
We need sisterhood now more
My journey had come full circle! What
56 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
In Memoriam
On February 27, 2019, Past National President Ellen Little Vanden Brink passed
away after a brief illness. Her service to Alpha Chi Omega and the impact she
had in the sorority world is extraordinary. Even more significant is the influence
Ellen had in the lives of women throughout our Fraternity.
By Past National President Judy Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University
with open arms and homecooked meals.
of Minnesota), Jennifer Carlin (Alpha, DePauw University) and Donna
Ellen served as a chapter advisor for five collegiate chapters
Klinge (Epsilon Kappa, California State University, Fullerton)
and supported chapter advisors as province president. She
served on the National Council as national vice president
Born and raised in Sullivan, Illinois, Ellen appreciated her
collegians (1980-85) and National President (1988-92).
Midwestern roots, one thing she had in common with many
During her tenure as National President, Alpha Chi Omega
of her closest Alpha Chi Omega sisters. She attended DePauw
chartered 11 collegiate chapters and adopted domestic
University in Greencastle, Indiana, where she was initiated
violence awareness as our national philanthropy. Ellen also
into the Alpha chapter. Ellen treasured her collegiate chapter
served as Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Chair (1991-92). She
experience and the special friendships she had with Alphas
was a member of Alpha Chi Omega's National Panhellenic
of all ages throughout her life. Ellen and her husband Dale
Conference (NPC) Delegation for 18 years (1988-2006),
Vanden Brink raised a family of four children, eventually
leading initiatives that continue to impact the sorority
moving from the Midwest to Los Angeles. Throughout the
experience. She received numerous industry awards, including
years, Ellen and Dale were generous in welcoming Alpha Chi
being honored in 2014 as the inaugural recipient of the
Omegas and their families into their southern California home
Alpha Chi Omega Torchbearer Award for exemplary longtime
The Lyre Il 57
In Memoriam
service. Throughout her distinguished
service on the local, province, national
and inter-fraternal levels, Ellen
exemplified Alpha Chi Omega's values
with her signature humor, grace and
A lifelong learner, Ellen earned a
master's in organizational development
from the University of San Francisco
between her terms on the National
Sisters celebrating Ellen's 86th birthday
Council. Her thesis, "A Study of an
Organization's Volunteers to Better
and her care.
The alumnae involvement of several
Understand their Motivations for
Ellen loved Alpha Chi Omega deeply
Alpha Chi Omegas would be very
Participation," focused on Alpha Chi
and made it her life's mission to share
different if it had not been for Ellen. For
Omega volunteers. She attributed her
the fraternal experience and its benefits
National Housing Corporation President
data-driven approach to leadership and
with as many of us as possible. Maria
Cassie Gerhardt (Alpha Pi, University
volunteer engagement to her academic
Fischer (Theta Xi, California State
of North Dakota), it was Ellen who
work and research.
University, Northridge) shared how,
engaged Cassie in her first volunteer
National President Angela Costley
when she first met Ellen (then National
experience as a facilitator at IMPACT
Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University)
President), she was nervous and wanted
AXO (a predecessor to InTune). More
shared, "The outpouring of stories
to make a good impression because
importantly, Cassie learned the most
and memories from Alpha Chi Omega
she was applying for the position of
valuable lesson of her Alpha Chi
members and industry friends since
collegiate field consultant:
experience via a note from Ellen years
Ellen's passing has been remarkable." It's
"Ellen couldn't have been warmer
later: "At times, individual sisters may
in these stories and memories where we
or nicer. I had no idea this would be
disappoint you or let you down, but
can really find the essence of who Ellen
the start of a decades-long relationship
AXO and our sisterhood will ALWAYS
is to SO many of us; how she embodied
that would have tremendous impact.
be there for you."
friendship, leadership, learning and
Ellen had the abiding admiration of
Ellen appreciated all that was noble
service; and her far-reaching impact.
all who had the good fortune to know
in another, be her badge what it may,
It is fitting that many who knew
her. She was smart, funny, vibrant,
resulting in many NPC "Ellen's Girls."
Ellen often referred to her as "Hera,"
strong, compassionate, warm, loving
Donna King, past National Panhellenic
Alpha Chi Omega's patron goddess
and incredibly dedicated to Alpha Chi
Council chairman and a member of
and in Greek mythology, the guardian
Omega. I'm forever grateful for all the
Sigma Kappa's delegation, describes
and protector of women. Ellen was a
time I had the opportunity to spend with
Ellen as a mentor like no other:
fierce protector of and advocate for
"Like SO many women who had
the value of the Greek experience.
More personally, Ellen relished in
developing young women and serving
as a role model and mentor. Ellen's
mother taught her the benefits of
transgenerational relationships, and
Alpha Chi Omega provided Ellen with
the lifelong opportunity to cultivate such
connections. She easily and earnestly
became invested in the lives of those
Alpha Chi Omegas she met and was
Ellen with her
always just a phone call away. She was
husband Dale, who
a great listener, always fully present in
was a staple at
conversations. Fondly called "Ellen's
Alpha Chi Omega
Girls," these women benefited from her
conventions and
guidance, her wisdom, her friendship
other events
58 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
In Memoriam
their lives touched, influenced and
much she was admired and loved by
friendships and sisterhood, we have
shaped by Ellen, I count myself one
SO many people. She never saw herself
other Ellens we can call.
of the privileged. Ellen chaired a team
as extraordinary as we did. We will
From all of us who benefited from
who moved mountains in NPC, and
always remember her incredible love for
having this real, strong, amazing woman
we would not be where we are today
Alpha Chi Omega and for all the women
in our lives, here's a toast to our own
if not for a group of dynamic women
she met along the way."
real-life Hera for lifting, inspiring and
with a vision for the future driven by
We will always remember her. We
being there for us. We love and will miss
data, Ellen's trademark. Of course, in
know many think of her every day,
you, Ellen!
the midst of tense moments, in 'Ellen
whether it's when engrossed in a really
fashion' she provided the team the
good book, as she was an avid reader;
opportunity to laugh with each other,
traveling and being inspired by all her
and at each other! What an honor and
adventures; walking through a garden
privilege to have known Ellen and to
and envisioning her beautiful roses;
call her my Panhellenic sister. Thank
laughing and thinking of Ellen's facial
you, Alpha Chi Omega, for sharing a
expressions when something amused
remarkable woman who emulated and
her; and hanging out with our own
modeled excellence in leadership and a
ya-yas, the Nancys, Jans, Carols and
Ellen held a special place in her heart for
vision for what could and can be. NPC
Judys who will always be there for us.
Alpha chapter women of all ages
is indebted to her vision and all she
It's remembering Ellen's priceless
challenged the community to be."
side-eye glances; how she loved
EVB. Those three letters hold
champagne and chocolate; how she
considerable meaning within the
interacted with your children, you
organization of Alpha Chi Omega,
hoping they would have the same type
but the most significant impact was
of wonderful influence in their lives,
on the individual women who are
especially your daughter; how she
extraordinarily fortunate to have had
cherished her time with her dearest
her in our lives. Debbie Thomas (Beta
Alpha Chi Omega friends; and how she
Eta, Florida State University) describes
and her husband Dale were perfect and
Ellen as "one of the kindest, most
hilarious together. We know that while
compassionate, thoughtful, brilliant,
EVB is no longer at the other end of the
loving people I've ever known. I don't
phone line, because we learned from her
think she ever understood how very
the value and impact of intergenerational
Sisters gathered for the wedding of Shawn
Donnelley in 2008; Ellen is at the back right
of the group.
Members of the Collegiate Program Planning Committee at the 1985 National Convention;
Ellen (front, center) with her Alpha Chi
Ellen stands in the center
sisters in 1987
The Lyre Il 59
Know someone who would make a great sister?
As a member of Alpha Chi Omega, you are our best resource for helping recruit
real, strong women into our sisterhood.
If you know an outstanding young woman who plans to participate in
recruitment on her campus, be sure to take advantage of our convenient
online recommendation form to let the chapter know.
Visit to create and submit a recruitment
recommendation form. While you're there, view our helpful videos, FAQs
and other resources to discover what's new with recruitment!
AXO Connect
TK Tribey
collegiate notes
Beta Delta (College of William & Mary)
2 Delta Chi (William Woods University)
3 Gamma Chi (Stetson University)
(Left to right) Amy Forehand, Leeann
The chapter enjoyed a sisterhood event at
The Gamma Chi chapter's spring
Soyka and Paulina Chavez took time
a local skating rink.
philanthropy event, Alpha Chi Carnival,
from their busy leadership positions in
was a huge success!
TribeThon, the school's dance marathon,
to take a picture with their sisters.
4 Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University)
5 Alpha Nu (University of Missouri)
6 Theta lota (Baylor University)
It was a sweep for big and little sisters at
These four sisters will be seeking the
The sisterhood at the Theta Iota chapter
the Missouri State Panhellenic awards
heights as they continue their education
grew even larger as new members were
ceremony. Megan Asbury (right) won
in nursing school.
initiated this spring.
Sorority Woman of the Year, and her
little, Kyra Treible, took home the award
7 Alpha Omicron (The Ohio State
for Outstanding Sorority Junior.
Sisters traveled overseas to explore Milan
during their spring break.
62 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
8 Theta Sigma (University of North Florida)
9 Epsilon Kappa (California State University,
10 Kappa Omega (Indiana University-Purclue
The chapter supported the Hubbard House
University Indianapolis)
and raised awareness for domestic violence
Collegiate members enjoyed spending
These new graduates are ready to begin
in their community during their spring
time with National President Angela
the next chapter of their Alpha Chi Omega
Costley Harris at their province day event.
experience as alumnae members.
AXQ Connect
alumnae notes
1 Alpha lota Alpha (Columbus, Ohio) and
2 Mu Phi Mu (San Fernando Valley,
3 Lambda Omicron Lambda (Ocala,
Lambda Chi Lambda (Columbus, Ohio)
Joined by collegiate women from Alpha
The chapter has hosted a book club since
In February, the chapter enjoyed lunch, a
Omicron (The Ohio State University),
2005 and enjoyed participating in the
tour of the Appleton Art Museum, and a
the two Columbus alumnae chapters
National Fraternity's Alumnae Book Club
celebration of 50- and 60-year members.
celebrated Founders' Day in October.
with its March pick of The Immortalists.
AXO Connect
4 Zeta Psi (Loyola University New Orleans)
5 lota Psi (Elon University) Alumnae
6 Tau (Brenau University) Alumnae
Marissa Garst celebrated her wedding
Savannah Long was surrounded by sisters
Virginia Balough Skaer represented the all-
with her Alpha Chi Omega sisters by her
at her January wedding; they even sang the
women's Krewe of Eve from Mandeville,
side. The flag was signed by the member
"Sweetheart Song" to welcome the groom
Louisiana. She was Queen Eve XXXIII
class that Garst led as VP new member
into the Alpha Chi family!
for the 2019 Mardi Gras Parade and
volunteered along with her krewe in
several community projects.
7 Gamma Psi Gamma (Sacramento,
8 lota Upsilon lota (Tidewater, Virginia)
9 Beta Eta (Florida State University) Alumna
Sisters from the alumnae chapter
The Gamma Psi Gamma executive board
supported the Beta Delta (College of
Tamiera Vandegrift (left) celebrated her
enjoyed spending time with sisters at the
William & Mary) chapter's Walk a Mile
alumna initiation with Patty Garrard (Beta
Northern California / Northern Nevada
in Their Shoes event to raise awareness of
Eta, right) at the Beta Eta 90th anniversary
Province Day event, held at University of
domestic violence.
California, Berkeley.
66 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
10 Theta Kappa Theta (Springfield,
11 Gamma Epsilon (Oklahoma State
12 Kappa (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
University) Alumnae
Eight women received their 50- and
Jeanene Jenkins Hulsey (left) and her
Patricia Haskin (center) received
60-year pins at a ceremony hosted by the
husband gifted the sculpture "Singing
her 75-year pin, surrounded by her
Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University)
Heart" by Allan Houser as part of the
granddaughter Heather Ortiz (Epsilon
chapter at their April alumnae luncheon.
Oklahoma State University Museum of
Omega, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, bottom
The women each attended different
Art's permanent collection. Hulsey sits
left), her daughter and several Alpha Chi
universities, but their Alpha Chi Omega
on the museum's advisory board and the
Omega sisters.
bonds brought them together in their
OSU Art Advisory Council. Pictured with
alumnae years.
her at the sculpture's dedication ceremony
13 Alpha Omicron (The Ohio State
are Gamma Epsilon sisters (left to right)
Joan Holland, Judy Graham and Virginia
Eleanor Campbell (right) received her
75-year pin from Alpha Iota Alpha
(Columbus, Ohio) alumnae chapter in
The Lyre Il
1 Alpha Upsilon (The University of Alabama)
2 Gamma Rho (Texas Tech University)
3 Beta Phi (Bowling Green State University)
Along with their former chapter advisor
Calling themselves The Cabin Girls,
Reuniting each year, these five women
Jewel Howard (Alpha Upsilon, fifth from
these women from the 1954-58 member
celebrated the bonds of sisterhood in
left), women from the 1969 member class
classes gather biennially at the cabin of
Columbus, Ohio that began 13 years ago
attended the Power of Pink gymnastics
Ann Westerman (second from right) to
with their initiation. Though previously
meet in February. They were there to
reminisce on their college days. Having
their children - all born in 2017 - joined
support sister Cheryl Cordell, who was
volunteered with many collegiate and
them at their reunion, this year was a
being recognized along with other breast
alumnae chapters, the group is also
ladies-only trip. "Despite the years, our
cancer survivors before the meet.
making a donation for the Gamma Rho
bond and friendship has only grown
chapter's new lodge.
stronger, supporting one another through
love, loss, motherhood and life," says
Alexis Kollay D'Ettore (second from left).
68 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
4 lota Sigma (Southern Methodist
5 Theta Psi (Columbia University)
A Carnation Ball was held in New York
To celebrate the chapter's 25th anniversary,
City for the 30th anniversary of the
alumnae and collegians gathered at
chapter. Pictured are members of the
the chapter house. National President
founding class, celebrating the foundation
Angela Costley Harris, two Past National
they laid for three decades of sisters.
Presidents - Donna Chereck (now
first alternate delegate for our NPC
Delegation) and Marsha Grady (now chief
development officer for the Foundation)
- and NHC Secretary/Treasurer Alice
Snedeker (Epsilon Phi, Georgia Institute of
Technology) were also present.
T aking
R responsibility
U inleashes
T we
H eating
366 Daily Truths
to guide you
1 Beta Sigma (University of Georgia)
2 Beta Omicron (Florida Southern College)
In October, Mary Ellen Stewart
Carlene Fogle-Miller (center) was elected
Ciganovich published her second book,
secretary of the legislative committee at
T.R.U.T.H. Taking Responsibility Unleashes
the United Methodist Church's General
True Healing. It contains 366 daily truths
Conference in February, serving more than
to guide readers throughout the year.
800 delegates. She is a seminary student at
Candler School of Theology.
70 Summer 2019 II The Lyre
AXO Connect
(alpha chi )
chi )
3 Zeta Nu (Texas A&M University) Alumna
4 Theta Upsilon (University of South
5 Epsilon Zeta (Auburn University) Alumna
Yvette Martinez received the Donna
Carolina) Alumna
Liz Chance Smith (center) received
Smith Chereck Community Advocate
Hilary Dyer Brannon was named to The
the Faculty and Staff Award from the
Award during the lota Sigma (Southern
State's 20 under 40 class for 2019. Along
Auburn University Parents Association
Methodist University) chapter's Alpha Chi
with 19 other professionals, Brannon
(AUPA). A student advisor at Auburn, she
Couture event. The award is given to an
was recognized for her excellence in her
was one of seven faculty and staff to be
alumna in the Dallas area who is generous,
profession in the Midlands region of South
recognized for her outstanding work ethic
passionate, and committed to raising
Carolina. She is the communication and
at the university. Pictured with her are
awareness and providing hope to victims
events director for the University of South
Bridget Riordan (Gamma Mu, Ball State
of domestic violence.
Carolina and has served the Fraternity in
University, left) and Deirdre Hill (Epsilon
multiple volunteer roles over the years,
Zeta), both trustees for the AUPA.
most recently as province collegiate chair.
The Lyre Il 71
In Memoriam
Phi (University of Kansas)
Alpha Chi (Butler University)
Reported to headquarters between
Virginia Daniels Bailey, 1947, February 2019
Marianne Buschmann Dorrell, 1944, July 2016
February 1 and April 30. 2019
Beverly Jane Waters, 1943, October 2018
Name, Initiation Year, Month and Year of Death
Alpha Psi (UCLA)
Chi (Oregon State University)
Marjorie Anderson Edwards, 1932, August 2009
Carol Ann Farnes, 1957, April 2019
Alpha (DePauw University)
Heidi Kiersey Winchester, 1987, February 2019
Beta Gamma (Louisiana State University)
Lois Kjellberg Hughet, 1941, February 2019
Brenda Hughes Wuerch, 1954, April 2019
Patti Spear Calvert, 1941, February 2018
Clara Aumann Milligan, 1944, December 2016
Truehart Shaw Still, 1944, January 2017
Ellen Little Vanden Brink, 1951, February 2019
Psi (The University of Oklahoma)
Martha Bollman Dwyer, 1954, January 2019
Beta Epsilon (Michigan State University)
Gamma (Northwestern University)
Nicole Towns Morgan, 1995, September 2004
Susan Elaine Emdin, 1962, February 2019
Janet Harper Drangsholt, 1946, January 2019
Elaine Webber Pereboom, 1946, March 2017
Barbara Fitzgerald Finch, 1954, April 2019
Shirley Richardson Gilbert, 1944, March 2018
Jennifer Leigh Titsworth, 1988, January 2015
Johanna Rechlin Tibbetts, 1936, March 2019
Mary Sue VanMeter, 1947, February 2019
Epsilon (University of Southern California)
Beta Zeta (Whitman College)
Alison Diane Ford Barickman, 1964, December
Alpha Beta (Purdue University)
Janet Haltom-Ames, 1955, June 2018
Maurine Stump Anderson, 1951, March 2019
Mary Lou Brockman Maybee, 1945, February
JoAnn Erhart Kerr, 1945, June 2014
Donna Lammering Nichols, 1971, February 2019
Gretchen Sue Sawicki, 1958, April 2019
Eta (Bucknell University)
Sally McCormick Seatter, 1952, April 2019
Beta Eta (Florida State University)
Bonnie Bencsko Holmes, 1976, February 2019
Margaret Britton Wingo, 1945, October 2018
Louise Rampey Asman, 1945, June 2006
Helen Folds Aspey, 1951, August 2007
Theta (University of Michigan)
Alpha Delta (University of Cincinnati)
Adelle Gissy Bell, 1965, March 2008
Judith Webster Bow, 1958, March 2019
Eleanor Heinz Baur, 1948, July 2017
Mardie Garris Biggers, 1943, October 2014
Anne Thomas Goodyear, 1914, June 1979
Jeanne Voight Botsford, 1950, January 2018
Charlotte Gravely Blount, 1944, December 2018
Marianne Chardoul Mair, 1958, December 2018
Rosella Heinz Shundich, 1951, October 2018
Elizabeth Tunis Cain, 1931, February 2006
Mary Hart Campbell, 1946, July 2018
Kappa (University of Wisconsin)
Alpha Epsilon (University of Pennsylvania)
Mary Frances Champlin, 1931, April 1993
Constance Robertson Meister, 1974, January
Kathryn Voss Getz, 1944, December 2012
Barbara Bachman Chazal, 1953, September 2018
Jeanne Cassens Chesnut, 1949, July 2012
Alpha Eta (University of Mount Union)
Camilla Denisco Croy, 1947, September 2012
Lambda (Syracuse University)
Marjorie Heaston Pappas, 1938, March 2019
Lillian Guimond Drury, 1941, November 2011
Mary Jane Detwiler LeVan, 1946, April 2019
Nan Vaughn Durham, 1948, July 2013
Alpha Kappa (University of Oregon)
Irene Collins Ellinor, 1932, May 2006
Nu (University of Colorado Boulder)
Lynda Lee Densem-Chambers, 1966, February
Virginia Ware Erwin, 1930, September 1990
Norma Robb Bennett, 1943, March 2019
Dorothy Aberle Gallaugher, 1946, October 2017
Kathleen Ann Kriger, 1965, February 2019
Kathryn Parker Gerstemeier, 1956, April 2016
Xi (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
Hallie Graham, 1930, January 1999
Karen Luther Brasee, 1953, October 2018
Alpha Lambda (University of Minnesota)
Margaret Eyster Jones, 1932, May 1984
Helen Lorene Laird, 1944, October 2018
Marilyn Doherty Allen, 1948, December 2018
Mary Fannin Kelley, 1930, December 2007
Shirley McVicker Marsh, 1944, December 2014
Virginia Croghan Kromhout, 1946, December 2007
Alpha Mu (Indiana University)
Marianne Smith Mabie, 1944, January 2019
Omicron (Baker University)
Bobbie Owings Bose, 1951, August 2018
Barbara Fryer Marsee, 1950, November 2018
Lois Dreyer Adriance, 1945, April 2019
Virginia Ludwick Hurt, 1940, February 2018
Mary Wilson Mickle, 1929, August 2007
Barbara Underwood Wells, 1993, March 2019
Alta Deahl Nickel, 1931, January 2011
Alpha Nu (University of Missouri)
Nicky Sartoris O'Hair, 1944, July 2017
Pi (University of California, Berkeley)
Priscilla Lierheimer Phillips, 1966, July 2018
Nancy Counts Owen, 1954, December 2011
Claudia Imwalle Zacharias, 1954, February 2019
Mary Jo Ryan, 2005, February 2018
Martha Peacock Poling, 1945, January 2016
Virginia Stockman Prentice, 1950, August 2013
Rho (University of Washington)
Alpha Omicron (The Ohio State University)
Miriam Ramsay, 1932, August 1996
Dorothy Smith Ackerman, 1953, November 2018
Patricia Mohr Bidwell, 1950, March 2019
Jane Sims Reynolds, 1942, January 2006
Jean Andrews Davanzo, 1947, February 2019
Miriam Gaetz Lum, 1959, April 2018
Dorothy Webb Ritchie, 1929, December 1996
Barbara Riedel Giske, 1944, October 2018
Helen Fletcher Sams, 1942, February 2013
Alpha Sigma (Ohio Wesleyan University)
Gloria Dulany Smith, 1941, May 2018
Sigma (University of Iowa)
Judy Kolls Yenney, 1952, February 2019
Mary Garrett Sprouse, 1949, August 2012
Ruth Burden Gard, 1945, August 2018
Jane Gaertner Stimson, 1944, July 2017
Deanna Dougherty Smisloff, 1959, November
Alpha Upsilon (The University of Alabama)
Judith Zeis Sultzman, 1961, April 2007
Betty Berry Stephenson, 1942, September 2017
Mary Gray Sweeney, 1930, September 2009
Sandra Jondahl Thompson, 1966, October 2013
Tau (Brenau University)
Alpha Phi (The University of Texas at Austin)
Ruth Miller Williamson, 1941, July 2018
Virginia Bush Maddox, 1944, December 1998
Leslie Peterson Graf, 1968, February 2019
Joyce Carter Wilson, 1946, March 2019
Elizabeth Coleman Hemphill, 1952, November 2014
Mary Cosper Witters, 1931, August 1999
72 Summer 2019 Il The Lyre
Beta Lambda (University of Arizona)
Janet Manley Feldmann, 1959, March 2019
Beta Mu (Pennsylvania State University)
Jean Posey Funk, 1945, March 2019
Bonnie Sherrill Hartman, 1946, December 2018
Joyce Leet Phillips, 1945, March 2019
Beta Nu (University of Utah)
Katherine Ford Trowbridge, 1955, July 2018
Joyce Davis Wright, 1948, November 2018
Beta Sigma (University of Georgia)
Joan Moseley Carter, 1964, April 2019
Saralyn Bone Lundy, 1959, March 2019
Beta Tau (Miami University)
Evelyn Borcherding Harriger, 1946, July 2015
Beta Chi (Willamette University)
Laverne Harnsberger Thoennes, 1945, December
Beta Psi (Louisiana Tech University)
Lynne Escoe Richardson, 1960, April 2019
Gamma Delta (University of Denver)
Linda Kay Durfee, 1964, June 2016
Mary Anne Judge Hammel, 1947, December 2018
Gamma Epsilon (Oklahoma State University)
Janelle Rene Coomber, 2014, December 2018
Gamma Theta (University of Maryland)
Mary Beth Woster Mintzer, 1955, February 2019
Gamma Kappa (Idaho State University)
Jeanie McConnell, 1965, March 2019
Shirley Driskell Strand, 1952, September 2018
Gamma Tau (Oklahoma City University)
Mary Taylor May, 1955, December 2016
Delta Sigma (University of the Pacific)
Patricia Johnson Foster, 1962, January 2019
Delta Psi (University of California, Santa
Karen Maureen Quigley, 1965, October 2018
Epsilon Theta (California State University,
Continuing the Family Legacy
Rebecca Lee McReynolds, 1990, March 2019
D'Ann Dunn (Theta lota, Baylor University, right) welcomed her
Epsilon Lambda (The University of Texas at
daughter Cameron into the sisterhood when she was initiated into the
lota Sigma (Southern Methodist University) chapter this spring.
Holly McMillian Thompson, 1997, March 2019
The Lyre Il 73
Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity
5939 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive
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Indianapolis IN 46250-4343
Bolingbrook, IL
Permit N. 467
Alpha Chi Omega
"At Leadership Academy 2019 I learned how to take a step back and look at
the bigger picture. Alpha Chi Omega is an organization much larger than just
my chapter, and Leadership Academy showed me that. Meeting other chapter
presidents from all across the nation was an eye-opening experience that allowed
me to realize that it is true - we are not alone.
walked away with a stronger connection to
girls I had only just met, a better understanding
of what I need to do to lead my chapter to
success and a deeper knowledge for what
Alpha Chi Omega really means."
- Kate Notario, Beta Epsilon chapter president
Please consider a gift at any level
to honor the leader who brought
out the best in you.
You are Alpha Chi Omega.