The groundbreaking ceremony for the headquarters building at 8733 Founders Road took place on June 3, 1973. Shown here, with unidentified males, are: Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), National Treasure...
Executive Director Nancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University), and former central office and headquarters executives Jo Ann (Jody) Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University) and Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) - seated
A group of fraternity officers and staff pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road. They are (front) Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), Controller Elinor Wa...
Fraternity officers, staff and others pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road in Indianapolis' College Park office park. They include: National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The Univers...
Holiday (Holly) Hart McKiernan (Alpha, DePauw University), Jo Ann (Jody) Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University) and Nancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University) at Nancy's retirement celebration in 1999.
For the 44th convention, more than 1,700 attendees witnessed the 100-year celebration of Alpha Chi Omega at the old Indianapolis Convention Center. Favors included a replica of the hand-painted plate from Hannah Kennan (Alpha, DePauw Uni...