This Beta (Albion College) chapter newsletter provides updates about the chapter's activities and lists of new members, chapter officers and house corporation board officers. There is also an article about the reestablishment of the Albi...
This newsletter from Alpha Beta (Purdue University) chapter includes articles about chapter social events, recruitment, the chapter's new housemother and academic achievements. Three photographs are part of the newsletter as well: portra...
Deette Jones Mitchell (Beta Delta, College of William & Mary) writes to alumnae about the 1937 Southern Province Convention and its events, including the installation of Beta Sigma (University of Georgia) chapter.
Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) provides the names of the newly elected officers of the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Board of Trustees and outlines the steps for the National Council to transfer assets from the Al...
Leslee Purdy Haylett (Alpha Rho, University of Idaho) writes about her visit to Omega (Washington State University) chapter for the chapter's 75th anniversary celebration.
This Tau (Brenau University) chapter newsletter provides updates about the chapter, including articles on the new chapter house and the annual alumnae banquet and profiles on some of the collegiate members. Also of interest is an article...
This newsletter from Zeta Chi (Muhlenberg College) chapter includes articles about a new chapter house, intramural sports, academics, chapter social events, altruistic projects and the chapter's new member program. It also includes a lis...
Carolyn Barrick Chestnut (Gamma Epsilon, Oklahoma State University) provides an update on chapter activities to chapter alumnae. She also includes alumnae updates such as birth and marriage announcements as well as a list of alumnae with...
This newsletter from Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University) chapter includes articles about altruistic activities, chapter social events and new graduates.