Alpha Chi Omega


Showing 9 to 28 of 506 results
Golden Jubilee Convention, Greencastle, IN, White Sulphur Springs, WV and Washington, D.C.

Golden Jubilee Convention, Greencastle, IN, White Sulphur Springs, WV and Washington, D.C.

Alpha Alpha (Chicago, Illinois) chapter hosted a Chicago Pre-Convention Day on June 25 before attendees boarded the "newly air-conditioned" Special train to Greencastle. This convention was also the first time traveling by airplane was mentioned, where bags had to be less than 17 lbs. A convention medallion was designed by Bernice Deetz (Upsilon, Millikin University) and given to every attendee. 417 attendees, 42 Olympians and 318 first-time attendees were featured in the first motion picture film to be taken at convention.

Beta Omicron Chapter Founded

Beta Omicron Chapter Founded

Beta Omicron chapter is established at Florida Southern College.

Hannah Keenan Named Director of the Central Office

Hannah Keenan Named Director of the Central Office

Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), the daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) is named director of the central office. She serves in this position from 1937-66.

Beta Pi Chapter Founded

Beta Pi Chapter Founded

Beta Pi chapter is established at Washington College.

22nd National Convention, Glacier National Park, MT

22nd National Convention, Glacier National Park, MT

The Many Glacier Hotel threw a "Houseparty" themed convention, welcoming 420 attendees. The convention transcript (established at the 1915 convention) was called "The Glacier Gossip." Favors were a wood-covered autograph book. Two Alpha Chi members were welcomed into the Blackfeet Native American tribe: Minerva Osborn Donald (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) became Princess Long-time Mountain Woman, and Beatrice Herron Brown (Alpha, DePauw University) became Princess Start Woman. The position of director was established for central office. Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauwn University), daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan, was hired in this position and served for 29 years.

Beta Rho Chapter Founded

Beta Rho Chapter Founded

Beta Rho chapter is established at American University.

Beta Sigma Chapter Founded

Beta Sigma Chapter Founded

Beta Sigma chapter is established at the University of Georgia.

Ruth Miller Winsor Elected National President

Ruth Miller Winsor Elected National President

Ruth Miller Winsor (Phi, University of Kansas) serves as National President from 1939-43. In response to growing criticism about Greek organizations at the time, she said: "We've always been better than given credit for, and I would like to remind our critics that our proven specialty is the development of persons for the day in which they are living."

23rd National Convention, Montebello, Quebec, Canada

23rd National Convention, Montebello, Quebec, Canada

Themed "Wake Up and Live," this convention allowed for a more laid-back event. The Seigniory Club was in a very remote part of Canada and served as a place for relaxation and fun. The favor was an etching of a habitat scene made by Marjorie Garfield (Lambda, Syracuse University), who exhibited in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington. "Convention Crier" was the name of the daily transcript, which was delivered as a morning announcement instead of via a printed format. A full-length movie was created of convention and premiered in Hollywood in the editor's bedroom.

World War II

World War II

More than 300,000 women serve in the military during the war as part of the WACs, WAVEs and SPARs - including many Alpha Chis. An overwhelming number of women go to work while the men go off to war, and "Rosie the Riveter" becomes their worldwide symbol. On the homefront, many families plant Victory Gardens, and every family is issued a War Ration Book.

Aid to British Children

Aid to British Children

The 1941 National Convention votes to raise $2,000 to aid "bomb shocked children" in Great Britain.

24th National Convention, Pasadena, CA

24th National Convention, Pasadena, CA

The Huntington only charged $32.50 ($592 today) for each of the 867 attendees. Convention featured a birthday luncheon where you were seated by zodiac sign, Olympians wearing necklaces of carnations and the favor of a wooden address book. Delegates voted to give house mothers an annual contract.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor

The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and other U.S. possessions in the Pacific, prompting the United States to enter World War II.

Beta Tau Chapter Founded

Beta Tau Chapter Founded

Beta Tau chapter is established at Miami University.

Nursery Schools

Nursery Schools

Alpha Chi Omega establishes nursery schools in Detroit and Milwaukee for children of war workers and service personnel.

Beta Upsilon Chapter Founded

Beta Upsilon Chapter Founded

Beta Upsilon chapter is established at Duke University.

Alumnae Districts are Established

Alumnae Districts are Established

The country is divided into six alumnae districts to be presided over by a district alumnae chairman.

Gladys Drach Power Elected National President

Gladys Drach Power Elected National President

Gladys Drach Power (Nu, University of Colorado Boulder) serves as National President from 1943-49.

25th National Convention, Chicago, IL

25th National Convention, Chicago, IL

In 1943, America was once again at war. The "Wartime Business Meeting and Training for Officers" event collected 276 officers, delegates and local alumnae. There was no convention transcript, no galas, only training and business. Votes consisted of updating the constitution to allow national officers to be voted on by mail instead of in person and to dispense of the province conventions in 1944. Provinces instead hosted workshops with officers.

Beta Phi Chapter Founded

Beta Phi Chapter Founded

Beta Phi chapter is established at Bowling Green State University.