Siegmann, Mildred Estabrook

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Mrs. Matthew H. Scott to Scobey Cunningham Telegram, October 4, 1950
Mrs. Matthew H. Scott to Scobey Cunningham Telegram, October 4, 1950
National President Mildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) writes to Cunningham to express condolences on the death of his wife, Alpha Chi Omega Founder Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University).
Mildred Scott Portrait Photograph, c. 1949-53
Mildred Scott Portrait Photograph, c. 1949-53
Mildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) served as National President from September 1949 until September 1953.
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Mildred Estabrook Scott Elected National President
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National Council at Convention Photograph, 1949
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National Council at Convention Photograph, June 1953
National Council at Convention Photograph, June 1953
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