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The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Report, Volume VIII, 1985-86
This report consists of an officer's report from the Foundation president, a summary of affirmative votes at each Board of Trustees meeting, a list of fellowship and scholarship recipients, and financial reports.
Hera Day Activities by Chapter Report, February-March 1941
This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.
Recommendations from F&S Committee for 1976 Fellowships Report, May 22, 1976
Grace Rhoades Watts (Alpha Sigma, Ohio Wesleyan University) recommends recipients and runners up for various Alpha Chi fellowships and scholarships.
Investigative Visit to the University of North Florida Report, November 6, 1986
Gail Boggs Roper (Beta Sigma, University of Georgia) reports favorably about a group of women at the University of North Florida who wish to affiliate with Alpha Chi Omega.
Ruth Winsor Chi Chapter Visit Report, November 20, 1935
Ruth Miller Winsor (Phi, University of Kansas) writes a glowing report after visiting Chi (Oregon State University) chapter, including notes on an interview with the dean of women and photographs of the chapter house and campus buildings.
Know Your Fraternity: Fraternity Altruistic Projects, February 1936
This report outlines the noteworthy philanthropies sponsored by the fraternities of the National Panhellenic Congress.
Olive Burnett Clark Alumnae Fund Committee Report, January 1972
This report for the Olive Burnett Clark Alumnae Fund outlines the fund's purpose, budget, publicity, applications and current committee actions. Young specifically declines to name the recipients.