Alpha Chi Omega



Lambda chapter was founded at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York on December 18, 1906. The chapter closed on January 28, 2011 and was reopened on November 5, 2016.

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Alice Glaser and Irene Wood at Piano Photograph, c. 1970

Chi Chi (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) chapter president Alice Stayduhar Glaser (Lambda, Syracuse University) poses with Chi Chi charter member Irene Wood (Delta, Allegheny College) who sits at a piano.

Alpha Chi Omega Golden Jubilee Program, June 26, 1935

This program is for Homecoming Day of the 1935 National Convention, which took place at DePauw University where the Fraternity was founded. It includes a poem by Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University), the words to the Toast and a program of the day's events.

Alpha Epsilon Chapter Installation Program, May 9-10, 1919

This program includes a list of charter members and installing officers, as well as brief historical information about the chapter.

Alumnae Notes, Fall 2015

Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of alumnae chapters and individual alumnae.

Atlantic Province Convention Banquet Program, April 11, 1925

This program includes the menu and toast program for the banquet, a list of province officers and a general program for the convention.

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.

Ethel Van Auken Photograph, September 1928

Ethel Mead Van Auken (Lambda, Syracuse University) served as National President from 1928-35.

Founders with 50th Birthday Cake at Convention Photograph, June 1935

Founders (left to right) Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University), Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University), Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) and Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) pose with a birthday cake to celebrate Alpha Chi Omega's 50th birthday at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. during the 1935 National Convention. Behind them are National Editor Ted Maltbie Collins (Rho, University of Washington) and National President Ethel Meade Van Auken (Lambda, Syracuse University).

Group with Lambda Chapter Charter at Reinstallation Photograph, November 5, 2016

A group of women pose together with the Lambda (Syracuse University) chapter charter at the chapter's reinstallation ceremony in 2016.